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Posts posted by Daisy99

  1. Thank you so much everyone. I spent a lot of time yesterday pondering this and I decided that I will begin paying my own tithing on my own income as soon as I earn it. I feel really good about that. The rest my husband and I will have to work out whether we start paying as we earn or depositing it back into savings. I know it should be easy to not touch the savings and leave the money in there for tithing, but it hasn't been easy the last few months with our financial situation (thus the reason for my stress-we are both guilty of dipping into it). But at the same time, my husband does prefer to do it that way. I want to do the right thing and he is the head of our home. It's kind of a tough situation. We have no bitter feelings about it, I just don't want to create them. Thank you so much for your advice. I greatly appreciate all the responses.

  2. I just finished Eclipse and thought I would chime in here! This is a great series, the best I've read in a long time. I don't disagree that they should be sold in church bookstores, but obviously the only reason they would be sold in church bookstores is because the author is LDS? I mean, absolutely nothing in the book has anything to do with LDS. If I didn't know the author was LDS I never would have thought. But still, having said that, I really love the series because it is a great read, great characters and not a buncha bad language and other "rated R" stuff. So, while it's not "LDS" it is most definitely a great "PG" book (not "G", no no not "G")

  3. I am struggling in my mind over this and am glad I found a place to anonymously ask this question. My husband and I have been married for 5 years. I was raised to pay tithing as soon as you receive income and that is how I always paid it. When we got married, my husband already had a full time job and he paid tithing all at once at the end of the year at tithing settlement. That check always came from savings. That seemed odd (just different) to me, but I asked the Bishop about it and he said some people do it that way and it's fine. Well, my husband has been ill and unemployed for a period of time, and he is just starting to work again but it's only part time. We are struggling greatly financially right now. I am the one who does all the finances in our family (we have three children). I am extremely concerned that we are not going to have any money to pay tithing at the end of the year. I believe very strongly in paying tithing and I have faith that we can overcome some of our financial struggles by paying it. I have a part time job right now and I feel like I should be paying tithing each month when I receive a paycheck. We really can't afford that but I believe it is the right thing to do. My husband says to wait and we can work it all out at the end of the year. But I really just don't see us having enough at the end of the year.

    My questions are this:

    Should I just pay tithing for myself on the income I make and let my husband worry about his income?

    Should I start paying tithing on my husband's income as he gets his checks (it would be easy to do since i handle the finances....but he may not be happy with me).

    Should I honor my husband--who is a very good man and quite stressed out about finances right now--and just wait until the end of the year and see where we are at as he wants?

    If we do not have enough money at the end of the year to make a full tithe, will that mean that I am not a full-tithe payer and therefore unworthy to enter the temple?

    I am very committed to my husband and to our temple covenants. We have a very peaceful and happy marriage. With income brought in by the husband, is the wife accountable if tithing is not paid on it? I do not want to be accountable, but at the same time, I do not want to cause more conflict with my husband on this subject. We've already discussed it, but I am still uneasy about it

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.