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Posts posted by cobra

  1. Oooh, attitude! :blink:

    Elder McConkie, while a wonderful man, never did have the authority to declare doctrine. Ever. Not in Mormon Doctrine, where he made literally hundreds of doctrinal errors, and not in his Conference talks, and not in this BYU addresses, and not in his Messiah series. So, don't go hanging your doctrinal hat on Elder McConkie.


    All General Authorities have authority to declare doctrine. That's why they are called General Authorities. Hundreds of doctrinal errors?? You sound like an apostate. I sure won't hang my "doctrinal hat" on your pointed head.

    General Authorities have the authority to declare doctrine- not to create it.

    That process lies with the First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve and the Seventies- and then with the Church through common consent.

    Pack your bags, Cobra- you're done here. The unsubstantiated personal attack on HiJolly was your final strike.

    As to your "response" to me directly- I was referring specifically to the anti-Semetic tripe you linked to as your "site". There is no room whatever on this board for that kind of blatant racism- and none for your misbehavior.


  2. Well, I wouldn't think that I would have to verify something like this to anyone that was well-read but, OK, here goes:

    Mormon Doctrine, Elder Bruce R. McConkie, Millennium, Page 495:

    "When we speak of the binding of Satan in connection with the millennium, we mean that he will be bound during that era, that his powers will be limited after that day commences, and not that men will turn to righteousness so as to tie the hands of Satan, thereby bringing millennial conditions to pass. The plan does not call for men to turn voluntarily to righteousness thereby causing the thousand year era of peace to commence. Rather, the millennium will be brought about by power".

    Honos: regarding your rude smart-aleck remarks, perhaps if you would inform me as to what kind of trash you like I could accomodate you more.

  3. From Southeast Texas. Convert. Baptized 1970. Lived in Utah from 1971 till 1981. Returned to Texas.

    Still here. Love the Church. Love the doctrine. Can't stand Mormons. (Just kidding.) Glad to be in the forum. I'm here to learn, not preach. (Just kidding!) :P

  4. I am in agreement with you here, I believe that Satan will be "bound" during those 1000 years, but the binding will be because of the righteousness of the saints, he will be unable to do any of his evil. The "chains" that bind him will be our righteous hearts.

    That is incorrect. Satan will be bound by divine decree, not because of the rightness of the Saints. Anyone who is Unrighteous won't be there. There will also be many there who are not saints. But the binding is literal and is done by God. It is not something that occurs as a result of our beingness. Regardless of our level of righteousness, Satan will be bound by God, probably because Christ will reign personally on the earth during that period and Satan cannot endure is presence.

    Cobra- some citation would nice. So far all we have is your assertion.

    Also- I'm losing your link below. We do not promote website that sponsor or endorse that kind of trash.

    You are being watched and this will be your last warning.

    You may either contribute something positive and definitive or find another site to hang out at.
