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Posts posted by nanek97962

  1. On 1/26/2020 at 10:31 PM, Queolby said:

    Was reading about what happens if a blessing is not fulfilled. And that even an Apostle can get it wrong and that we don't always say God's will.  It kind of makes you wonder, if an Apostle can't get it right, what makes you think that I can. It's discouraging to think that most people don't say or do the will of God, and you want to say, "what's the point of praying?" 

    What's the point of praying for protection when people still get hurt when they pray? I went a long time without praying and I didn't get hurt. Because you know, God's will. He's just going to do what He wants regardless.

    Statistically speaking, you're bound to have a 'fulfilled' blessing. If I throw a hundred knives in the air, all at once, there's going to be at least one--but not limited to--fall blade first into the ground. You see what I'm saying? A person will be 'miracle prayer to get married soon' healed at the same rate as someone who receives a blessing. Atheist are miraculously healed without believing sometimes.

    Not trying to be negative but honest with my feelings that I have always held in. Anyways, if you feel like you can say something to enlighten me, go ahead. And I love scriptural examples if you can.

    I believe that the basic goal of prayer is to connect your will with God's about the specific matter at hand. Therefore, God will uphold them in the long run and there will be that alignment even when someone is "wrong" but at least they are trying in good conscience. When one's will is in harmony, they are capable of handling almost anything and may even be given chances to learn and grow. Nephi's petition was fulfilled in Helaman 10 (verses 1, 17, 18; however, read the entire Chapter since there is more to it), or did his will line up with God's in passage 5, and then Chap 11.