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Posts posted by Rebky

  1. I watched it once. We were invited to see it with a co-worker of my husbands, their church had rented out the entire theater and we were their 'guests'. I guess they were trying to 'fellowship' us. We went to dinner afterward and they wanted to know what we thought about the movie. I was visibly affected by the film so they were anxious to discuss. We started talking about the Atonement of Christ and about the movie... I got choked up all over again speaking... my husband got very doctrinal quoting scripture from the top of his head and they sat there with their mouths hanging open. Then they told us we aren't very good Mormons because we know and understood too much about Jesus Christ. I guess they thought they were going to teach us something about Christ by taking us to that film and instead learned that Mormons understand very well the life and purpose... the suffering and gifts that come from Jesus Christ. Interesting experience I gotta say. About the film.. it was so graphic... I was curled up in a ball on the theater seat... I wanted it to end. It was very hard to watch and I believe it was a fairly accurate depiction and portrayal of the emotion, and drama that surrounded the most incredible occurence in the history of the world.

  2. Humility brings forth the need to see others as they really are. To truly love, without spite. It clears your vision of the world around you and brings you closer to God. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself aunseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth."


    I really needed to hear this today... Thank you.

  3. Hi Blaine, I actually saw pictures of your nieces and nephews just last night, my daughter wanted me to see the cutest pictures of kids 'ever'! She had visited your profile maybe she met you in the chatroom I dunno. But welcome to the site!

  4. Love should be an overdose of friendship. Love is about intimacy not appeal which is hormonally driven and of very short duration.

    Love is understanding, caring, support, encouragement, companionship, patience, acceptance, insight, awareness, faithfulness, devotion, surrender, fidelity, loyalty, sacrifice and of course; charity. Getting your head around that takes time. Making a decision about whether you want to do this for/with somebody should take you a while. Figuring out if she can match your plan is what dating is all about. Spending time should build that intimacy.

    So, one must strive to create intimacy first by building a friendship. This is a bit more complicated for guys than it is for girls. Unfortunately, us guys brains are limited in emotional range of expressions, empathy and connectivity. Unless we see/feel/experience some kind of physical attraction we most likely will not initiate contact. Girls can and often do love just because. Looks rank lower than other attributes for them. In sum, they are just better human beings.

    So my dear single and anxious guys-bretheren; do try to build friendships. I know, it maybe hard to "pretend" while you have the hots for the girls. Well, don't pretend!! Try really to be a friend and get to know this girl. You should, so that you do not end up marrying somebody you should not, even if she is "looks" like Vogue material. :)

    Wow.... Excellent response Malcolm!!! I'm sitting here holding my heart! ^_^

  5. Winter... hmmm. You no like to snow ski, and go sledding with the kids? Scraping windows and warming up the car.... LOL Winter can feel kind of long, but my City was rated #1 in the Nation for climate in the summer. :-) winter starts after Thanksgiving but it's way mild until after Christmas. It's full on winter January and February. Presently though it is starting to feel like Spring I see hibernated grass everywhere because it's still cold... like November. We could still get snow but it will melt soon after it hits the ground. Winter is completely gone somewhere in March.

    The University of Montana is right here. Lots of hiking, river rafting, lakes, camping and only a shake of a leg away. Shopping is great we seem to have everything. Personally I enjoy living in a rural area... and driving 15 minutes to get my shopping and/or Entertainment.

    At least look into it. I wouldn't live anywhere else on earth. If you check out my profile I think I have a picture of myself on a hike last month... it was SO beautiful up there. That was just an afternoon hike. I got to the top in 30 minutes.

  6. I'm going to Conference in April too. But I'm not sure if I'll be able to get tickets I heard each ward gets like 6... and I need that many! I'm going to call my Bishop tonight. We just love to visit Temple Square, and go to the Theater in the Joseph Smith Bldg.

  7. You can easily find a house for that price here. Montana is beautiful, the church is strong yet we are a 'minority' and that is a brilliant way to raise your kids if you ask me. The school knows which kids are Mormon because they seem to do well in school, get into trouble less and have a certain 'way' about them that the teachers seem to appreciate. My kids (ranging from age 20 down to age 9 at present) have liked standing out because their standards are different. The town I live near has a stake center, with 5 town wards and then little surrounding towns 20 minutes away and each is a ward. I live in one of those. A nice country type ward and it's big. What does your husband do for a living?

  8. What do Girls tend to think when a Guy:

    ~ she doesn't really know asks her out? In Person or over the Phone?

    ~ makes small talk with her?

    ~ asks her out when she isn't attracted?

    ~ flirts, but never seems to do anything about it?

    ~ is shy? is the center of attention?

    I'm a girl so I'll tell you my opinion, say you were asking me out k?

    If I don't really know you I'd be scared to be trapped in an awkward date where it's just get to know you questions.

    Small talk will tell me you are at least interested enough to speak to me. If I walk away without much response... then it got awkward.

    If you ask me out and I'm not attracted, yet I know you are a nice guy... like say from church I might say yes because I don't want to hurt your feelings and be rude lest it gets awkward at church. However I would treat it like a friendly invitation and in the evening try to let you know how nice it is to have friends to hang out with. I'd pay for my own dinner and you'd just know. right?

    If I'm flirting with you, hmmm I might just be enjoying your company... which is a GOOD thing. Flirt back and if I stop.... I was just enjoying you. If I continue to flirt I'm willing to see if you will do anything about it.

    I don't understand the last one. How to ask out a girl who is shy? Just DO it. Center of Attention... Do it. I think you have to have some kind of acquaintance with someone before you just ask them out. So you just have to be a friendly guy and ask girls out who you know from work, from church, from the neighborhood, from your past or even someone you have just met and hit it off with. But ask her out right then. "hey, you wanna go get a bit to eat?" establish some sort of friendship and then try the flirting thing to gage what kind of friendship it will be. That help?