open scripture and more canon


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what is open scripture?

I was told our LDSchurch believes in "open scripture "what does this mean?

What does the word of God mean is it written /or spirit lead or both

just wondering because people say some strange things on the pulpet at testimony or talks

and sometimes people tell me its the spirit talking i just always refer to what my scriptures say and leave it there

I always believed that if a person speaks for God then it is Gods written words he/she speaks on behalf of as Holy Ghost gives the person a mandate

my wife thinks i am nut sometimes i get these weird questions can't ask in sunday school/or at church they just frown at me


will their be any revelation added onto the DaC(the last sect138 was in1918)

also does official decs stand as scripture or just revelation

I am interested if the church will add anymore to DaC more new revelation from the First Presidency as scripture/canon

God bless you all(sorry if these questions are weird):)

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what is open scripture?

I was told our LDSchurch believes in "open scripture "what does this mean?

What does the word of God mean is it written /or spirit lead or both

just wondering because people say some strange things on the pulpet at testimony or talks

and sometimes people tell me its the spirit talking i just always refer to what my scriptures say and leave it there

I always believed that if a person speaks for God then it is Gods written words he/she speaks on behalf of as Holy Ghost gives the person a mandate

my wife thinks i am nut sometimes i get these weird questions can't ask in sunday school/or at church they just frown at me


will their be any revelation added onto the DaC(the last sect138 was in1918)

also does official decs stand as scripture or just revelation

I am interested if the church will add anymore to DaC more new revelation from the First Presidency as scripture/canon

God bless you all(sorry if these questions are weird):)

I think Articles of Faith 7-8 answers your questions nicely.

7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.

8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. (aoF 1:7-9)

What is meant by "open canon of scripture", is that the scriptures are not closed and can and will be added to as we are prepared for it, and as the Lord wills it. When God reveals more to us through his prophet, and it goes through the proper procedure, it will become official doctrine, and added to our canon of scripture.

That said, not everything people feel strongly about, or passionate about, is inspired by the Holy Ghost. If something you read, hear, or feel is from God, it will be in harmony with the scriptures, and it will 1) inspire you to do good and 2) lead you closer to Christ. Mormon teaches that in this way you can know with a perfect knowledge that it is from God (Moroni 7:13-19).



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Another less direct meaning might be in how we evolve in our understanding of scripture.

There have been many times I have read a passage and understood it differently at that moment. There it was in front of me for years and years, and I had read it many, many times, but for the first time the words seem to jump off the page and I understand them for the first time.

But, the previous 2 responses are the more direct answer.

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The reference to Open scripture is more a comparison to other religions that believe Revelation is done, and thus we won't get any more scripture. For us we believe we could get more scripture at any time, because we believe in continuous Revelation.

I am interested if the church will add anymore to DaC more new revelation from the First Presidency as scripture/canon

Probably not any time soon. The reason is we aren't going to get any more (at least full books) until we use what we have! There are more scriptures waiting (like the sealed portion of the book of mormon), but until we use what we have we won’t get it.

also does official decs stand as scripture or just revelation

They are scripture, they were voted on at the time to accept then as doctrine for the church (and the reason why they are in the scriptures). I do think in a couple of more years (as society gets worst) we well add the Proclamation on the family to the Scriptures. Thats probably the only "add" I would expect, even though I already consider it scripture.

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