Mosiah 4:27


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And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.

I love King Benjamin and the things he said. I beleive them all.

I am burned out, tired, overwhelmed. Any ideas. I feel like I can't fulfill what is expected of me. The only thing I really do is take care of my kids, h, and work 2 graveyards a week. It seems like others do so much more than I do. I am having health problem with arthritis, all 4 kids struggle educationally, 2 have learning and emotional issues. I want to know what you think. It seems that if I get a day that i could be home something comes up. It is frustrating. I have been thinking a lot about the good, better, and best talk. I wonder if I am lacking spiritual and physical strength. Maybe if I did something different i could accomplish more. My 18 yr old isn't planning on a mission. (nothing holding him back, he just doesn't feel the desire to go) My 15 yr old we are fighting satan over him right now. (we are winning but it is a fight nontheless) My 12 yr old doesn't fit in and is really struggling with self esteem. My 9 yr old only spends about 1/2 of her life in reality. Does anyone feel like I do? Am I doing something wrong and will miss the prize? I would love a discussion. (thanks in advance for helping a slow learner in the gospel)

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That's an awesome scripture.

It sounds like you have your hands full. This may not be news but sometimes it helps to hear it again. You can't live your kid's lives for them, all you can do is the best you can do. If you honestly feel you are then there's nothing more you can do. If you don't, then identify where you can do better and set some goals to make those things better. Start small and slow. No one knows your kids better than you do. I tell my wife all the time that she needs to learn to say no to other things at times, no matter how good the cause, in order to spend more time with her kids. She has a lot going on and needs to slow down.

Nothing really is as important as those kids.

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