Duelfer Report On Iraq

john doe

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Interesting how the lefties like to spin things. Seems the report they are pointing to does admit no weapons were found, but not for lack of trying. Read this . How come nobody wants to talk about this part of the report?

the report makes it plain that George W. Bush had good reason to go to war in Iraq and end the regime of Saddam Hussein.

First of all, Saddam retained the capability to manufacture weapons of mass destruction. On chemical weapons, "Saddam sought to sustain the requisite knowledge base to restart the program

Saddam did not abandon his nuclear ambitions. . . . Those around Saddam seemed quite convinced that once sanctions were ended, and all other things being equal, Saddam would renew his efforts in this field." Moreover, Duelfer concluded that Saddam in his missile program was developing missiles that exceeded the range limits set in U.N. Security Council Resolution 687.

One Iraqi chemical weapons expert said it would require only a few days to develop mustard gas. Former Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz said that Iraq could have had a WMD capacity within two years after the end of sanctions.

Hmmm, looks like the lefties got this one wrong, too.

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Guest Unorthodox

We invaded Iraq because Saddam ignored us.

Not because of evidence that he had WMDs at the time.

I hope Iran ignores us too, because if they see us looking their way after what we did to Iraq, they will probably just use their nukes on us.

Iraq could have had a WMD capacity within two years after the end of sanctions.

Two years? I guess we could have spent a few more months looking for those WMDs before going to war, right?

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Guest Unorthodox

Originally posted by Outshined@Oct 29 2004, 07:52 PM

What the-?

I know that was in response to my deleted posts. I just had to spend some time filling them in with something more interesting....no one was responding, and I doubt it was because they agreed with me.

Happy Election Day.

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