dimensions of boxes used at home storage center

Guest Alana

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Does anyone know the size of the boxes used at the LDS home storage centers that fit 6 #10 cans? I'm cooking up some fabulous storage solutions, and I need to know the size of the boxes. Any help, even guesstimations is greatly appreciated.

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All this time and no one can walk out to the storage area and take a tape measure to a box? Help a lady out here...

They are 19X13X8 inches (Or as my wife says: "Oh, about like this, by this, by maybe this tall..."). Exactly.

Stack no more than 6 high, and write the contents on each side, so you know the contents no matter how the boxes get turned. Tape lids shut, do NOT tuck lid flaps, since that weakens the box terribly. Stack on a rack or on 1x2 slats on the bottom, rather than flat on the floor. Allows air circulation to keep boxes from blooming molds in the cardboard.

While most boxes will have only the same product in them, A few boxes will be 72 hour kits with certain mixes of cans. Keep them separate, and mark them with day-glow markers. Those will be the ones you grab to throw in the car on the way out the door.

Good luck.

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perfect! I kept waiting and waiting, hoping someone would get down to it! I've got some ideas on where to store it (under the bed and such) and I need to know how many boxes of stuff I can fit in this house. I'm sure my husband would love a couch made out of boxes of food storage, we'll see.

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One thing to remember is that if you stuff things under the bed and other bright ideas, DO NOT forget what is under where!

Inventory control is the key to successful food storage. Just owning a huge amount of foodstuffs and putting it away is counterproductive. You don't know what you have, you aren't rotating it in a controlled cycle of use and replacement, and you are leaving out half of the basic rule of storage, "eat what you store, store what you eat".

So keep a checklist of what is where, and get down there and pull some out once in awhile.

Anytime we use up (open the last can of a 6 can box) a box, we purchase just that amount of the same product, and store it at the back or bottom of the stack.

Try to maintain an even temp all the time, so don't store in the garage or shed.

If you get mice, be sure to wipe a can lid with a bleach-soaked cloth before opening, and wear disposable rubber gloves when handling the cans. Mouse urine can contain (should be assumed to contain) Hanta Virus.

Good luck.

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Mice are no fun. Been there, done that. I hear you about food storage being of no use if you don't use, rotate, eat it. In our current home we have no storage. Not even closets. My pantry is STUFFED. So, I'm just looking to get a little more in around the edges. I'll probably just be getting wheat, beans and rice for now. Simple and easy to use and long storage. That way if it is in my room before the kitchen, no problem. Thanks for the excellent advice.

Edited by Alana
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Now that is a challenge, not having any storage space left.

Of course under the beds is great, and you can actually replace the bed frame with boxes of cans, raising the bed about 6" higher, which of course makes it a little harder to pull product.

Also, replace end tables, and cover with a throw, and pull the couch out from the wall about 10" and stack boxes on edge, two high, along the back of the couch.

Same with bookshelves, pull out 1" and stack on edge or end, depending. No more than three high when stacked on edge or end.

Avoid the crawl-space, attic or garage due to temp changes, and being too hot.

Edited by hankpac
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