Anyone Else Live In West Virginia?

Guest mojojo1984

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Guest mojojo1984

hey everyone,

it's Joe again. i was wounding how many people are living in west virginia. i'm a native from west virginia and my family just move back to west virginia last september we hadn't live in west virginia since i was a little. i was wounding if there were any teenagers in west virginia who are members to talk to. either male or female. thank you for your time.


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Guest mojojo1984

thanks Amillia i already started a west virginia single forum but i just have two member plus me adds three. i need to get more members. but my dad said i can't post it on the chruch board because that would be like him posting if you need insurance call him. but i was going to post it on both my ward and the huntington ward.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest mojojo1984

thanks Amillia,

i give the people who run the single actives but they don't go to the single branch they live near the stake center. the single branch is at huntington ward they have three branches now.i'll talk to them sunday when i go to single adult family home even. i don't know what they did with it.thanks again arnillia.


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Your right you cannot, however take a white shirt and wear it to young mens, and be your own sponsor, people will love the idea......dont forget to add the on the shirt

and what days you chat


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Guest mojojo1984

thanx LaurelTree but i don't have any stuff to make a t-shirt.i give a copy to this couple who is single adult actives leaders. i told her if she ever go to huntington to see if she can post on the wall. and plus i'm only at chruch on sundays and i wanted members to join i can't wear it sunday. see if i live in utah i would wear it. but there isn't alot of members in west virginia. right now i only have 3 members counting me.


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