Questions For Exmojason

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The sacraments were given to the church as a means of giving God’s grace to sinners. Then why deny the sacraments to sinners who ask for them?

Why deny baptism to children of single mothers?

Why deny the graces of Matrimony to those whose first marriage failed?

Why be stingy with the sacrament of Reconciliation through General Absolution?

Why deny the Eucharist to any baptized Christian who seeks the Lord? …

These are just for beginner questions ~

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The sacraments were given to the church as a means of giving God’s grace to sinners. Then why deny the sacraments to sinners who ask for them?

We don't.

Why deny baptism to children of single mothers?

We don't.

Why deny the graces of Matrimony to those whose first marriage failed? 

Because it's a sin to remarry. Christ said that divorce was wrong, unless there's been infidelity. St. Paul taught that a woman was not to leave her husband. But if she does, she is to remain unmarried. And he that would marry a divorced woman commits adultery.

That's why.

Why be stingy with the sacrament of Reconciliation through General Absolution?

More details please.

Why deny the Eucharist to any baptized Christian who seeks the Lord?

If you weren't baptised by an Orthodox Priest, you're not Orthodox. The Eucharist is only for those who are baptised. Period.

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Originally posted by ExMormon-Jason@May 3 2005, 04:59 PM

Again, claiming to be Orthodox doesn't mean much these days. There are hundreds of churches who claim to be the original Church.

It's not about the name. It's about both valid authority, and pure doctrine.

But the more I read (and I posted some of that history) the more it doesn't sound like you do have genuine authority.
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But the more I read (and I posted some of that history) the more it doesn't sound like you do have genuine authority.

You have to read Orthodox sites. How often have I heard you cry that you can't learn about Mormonism from non-mormons!

You need to take your own advice.

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Is that where you got all your answers to the church? From the church itself? NOT!!! You expect me to just read the stuff your church puts out about itself? LOL

Get real Jason. I am going to read everything I can from every source I can about your church and it's history! especially it's history! cause you challenged me to. :)

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Is that where you got all your answers to the church? From the church itself?

Actually, yes. Show me one thing I've quoted that didn't come from a LDS church publication or author?

NOT!!! You expect me to just read the stuff your church puts out about itself? LOL

I don't care what you read. But Im asking you to read history and articles from the Orthodox themselves, because there's not going to be a lot of info about it from non-orthodox sources.

Get real Jason.

That's become a tedius statement of yours. Can you come up with something new please?

I am going to read everything I can from every source I can about your church and it's history! especially it's history! cause you challenged me to. 

Good for you. Have you ever heard of primary sources before?

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