What If There Is No "gay Gene"?


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Since at this point there is not enough information to definitively

prove one way or the other if there is a "gay gene" what will

happen if the result is NEGATIVE?

What will happen?

Are the groups that exist today that promote a life that is now

ASSUMED to have a genetic basis going to simply let knowledge

put them out of business?

On the other hand.

If the final verdict is POSITIVE, then would it be legally required

for someone to have a "gay gene" test in order to be recognized

as having that trait.

What about someone that fails to carry the gene who ends up

performing same sex acts?

We seem to be assuming that the lines will be clear, but we

might find that, say, 75% of gays carry a specific gene and

the other 25% do not.

That's going to be really funny.

Can you imagine? Some guy (or girl) is sure they are gay

and then discover through genetics that they are not.

Now that's REALLY being screwed up! :lol:

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I personally doubt the existence of a "gay gene".

It doesn't make sense, because if a gene like that

were in the natural selection pool it would have been

selected out thousands of years ago.

It's almost the definition of natural selection, any gene

that effectively kills (reproductive death) the host

does not pass itself on to the next generation.

But let's assume that a small percentage of the

population was carrying this defect. Would that

account for the apparent rise in the number of

people who identify themselves as homosexual?

It's simply too unlikely to be true.

By now you should have realized that the gay

agenda has little to do with anything but making

their definition of "carnal fun" a legitimate thing.

The whole idea of a "gay gene" was invented by

them so as to put a scinetific "spin" on their group.

But, hey, I'm willing to wait for the results.

Until the final results come in there is a level

of doubt that they can inflict on all of us.

Only through your own wisdom can you make

the observation that it's an addiction.

(that's how I see it)

They are using lawyers tricks ;)

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Guest Starsky

I agree. I read and mentioned it previously in another thread, an article which showed a study done on mice. They fed these mice a 'off' amount of zinc (or deprived them of it...it has been nearly thirty years and I can't remember which) but the outcome was homosexual mice.

I do believe there is the ability to cause chemical imbalances in humans which mess with their masculinity, or feminity...after all much of our levels of feminity or masculinity is derived from harmones ...testosterone, and estrogen. Your voice's lowness, or highness can be effected, your body build is effected by it, your whole persona is effected by the levels of these harmones...and what determines their levels?


But, whether or not there is a chemical/harmonal reason for tendancies, there is also the spiritual side....Satan and his demons can and do possess. And being that we are eternally female or male, if a demon of the opposite sex possesses some one...it can and does have the effect of "desires" being turned into a perversion of what would be normal for that person.

Just some of my observations and opinions.

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"Abstract perspective verses the Microscopic perspective"

or even

"Which came first the chicken or the egg?"

The spiritual side is the abstract way of describing a very

real and concrete physical reality.

In Scientific American this week they have an article on

Addiction. It's very interesting. The effect of the "high"

feeling is that your minds brain chemistry gets all screwed

up. And the worst part is that this damaged brain does

not repair itself very quickly. Addicts can still feel the

desire many years after they quit.

This would likely transfer over to homosexual experiences

as well. Once deeply addicted they will always have the

brain damage. Though it would heal over time. (slowly)

One thing they mention too is gambling.

They can actually measure the brains response in the

"pleasure center" of a gambler when they hear the sound

of coins dropping into a bucket on payout.

I'm living in Missouri (10 miles from the Temple Lot) and

they show commercials on TV here that advertise the local

casinos. They use the coin sound.

Now that seems just downright sick to me. It's known that

the gambling addict automatically responds to the coin

sound and they're slipping it onto the airwaves to call all

their addicts to "give up the money". Just sick.

I'm planning on moving to Utah this spring :D

My brother here works in a casino :o

I was born a third generation Californian :o

And I worked in High Tech in San Francisco :o

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Guest Starsky

That is sick and sad. But very much the world. It doesn't play by any rules that would protect the innocent or weak. They are definitely preditors of such.

I'm planning on moving to Utah this spring 

My brother here works in a casino

I was born a third generation Californian 

And I worked in High Tech in San Francisco 

Interesting background. I hope you don't get your hopes up too high for Utah being somekind of safe haven. Salt Lake Valley and Utah Valley are two of the most wicked places on the earth.

However, it sounds like you have driven over some interesting road already...Utah probably won't be a problem for you.

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I know that the Salt Lake City area has completely

been taken over by scum. The crime rates are just

terrible and on my way through I nearly got my car

stolen by Russian organized crime. (it's a long story)

But I was under the impression that the Utah Valley

(near Provo) was 90% Mormon and as a consequence

has virtually zero crime.

Exactly what type of wickedness are you talking about?

(and we are way off topic)

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Guest Starsky

(and we are way off topic)

LOL...yeah, but since we are the only two on this thread for the moment...there is no one to complain.


But I was under the impression that the Utah Valley

(near Provo) was 90% Mormon and as a consequence

has virtually zero crime.

Well we have had 5 bikes stolen, vandalism galore...our stake president and several of his neighbors had their car windows smashed with rocks and beebee guns.

Also the murder rate, as well as family violence has gone way up.

But that isn't what is hard to take...it is the pride in the members of the church.

There is a cast system steadily growing here...the elite and the poor and humble.

You will find out soon enough.

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Originally posted by elinz@Feb 15 2004, 03:16 PM

The mountains are still beautiful I hope.

I'm a big mountain bike rider and hiker.

Do you think the church is dying?

I am from Southern California. I have lived in Seattle and now I live in the Phoenix area. I am disappointed when I visit SLC. Not because of the church, but because of how the once beautiful

city is old and in disrepair. It seems that politics and the need to please other faiths has ruined the history there. I could be wrong, as this is just my opinion. However, the mountains are still beautiful.

What do you mean by "the church is dying?"

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I think they basically abandoned SLC.

But the Utah Valley seems good.

That happens a lot. The main city rots from

the inside and so people move to the suburbs.

The new people in the city trash it until it gets

so bad that the land is basically free.

Then it's called "Urban Renewal" and they rebuild.

The concern I have about the power of the church

is that they seem to be pursuing a policy of spreading

out. It's sort of like a company going "global", they

lose interest in maintaining the boring stuff like streets

and buildings.

The money might still be rolling in, but if the focus

is still on building temples around the world the local

issues might be neglected.

As an ironic note, that was the kind of attitude that

I saw in Berkeley. They were so obsessed with

world issues that no one ever fixed the potholes! :lol:

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Be it known that,

Gay people are not possessed with devils just because they have gay desires. Gays are capable of being good natured and kind as any of us and that is not a trait of demonic possession. Many gays are trying to work out their salvation in Mormonism and they attend their meetings and worship God yet they still are at odds with their sexual orientation which is that they are gay-- the devil has nothing to do with it and cannot change the sexual orientation of good men and women. The devil will however try and tempt them to give into their carnal desires from time to time. The devil is subtle but his power over mankind is limited and he doesn't have free reign to change the sexual orientation of anyone.

We need to love our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters and help them feel welcomed and that they have every opportunity to integrate into the Church in every spiritual and social level. There are gays who seek to reform and yet they are still gay. Again, the devil has nothing to do with being gay. Being gay to them is just as real as being straight. A gay man hungers and craves male affection much in the same way as a straight man does a woman. The gay man is not sexually aroused by a woman's body as he is a man's.

End of speech.

Paul O

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Wow, and I thought I was getting off topic!

The issue was about the future proof one way

or the other of a "gay gene".

If it's found that a "gay gene" is INVALID what happens?

I never said anything about religion.

This was a science only discussion.

(even though I went off topic myself! :) )

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Originally posted by elinz@Feb 15 2004, 04:59 PM

I think they basically abandoned SLC.

But the Utah Valley seems good.

That happens a lot. The main city rots from

the inside and so people move to the suburbs.

The new people in the city trash it until it gets

so bad that the land is basically free.

Then it's called "Urban Renewal" and they rebuild.

The concern I have about the power of the church

is that they seem to be pursuing a policy of spreading

out. It's sort of like a company going "global", they

lose interest in maintaining the boring stuff like streets

and buildings.

The money might still be rolling in, but if the focus

is still on building temples around the world the local

issues might be neglected.

As an ironic note, that was the kind of attitude that

I saw in Berkeley. They were so obsessed with

world issues that no one ever fixed the potholes! :lol:

I think your correct.
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Originally posted by Paul Osborne@Feb 15 2004, 05:04 PM

Be it known that,

Gay people are not possessed with devils just because they have gay desires. Gays are capable of being good natured and kind as any of us and that is not a trait of demonic possession. Many gays are trying to work out their salvation in Mormonism and they attend their meetings and worship God yet they still are at odds with their sexual orientation which is that they are gay-- the devil has nothing to do with it and cannot change the sexual orientation of good men and women. The devil will however try and tempt them to give into their carnal desires from time to time. The devil is subtle but his power over mankind is limited and he doesn't have free reign to change the sexual orientation of anyone.

We need to love our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters and help them feel welcomed and that they have every opportunity to integrate into the Church in every spiritual and social level. There are gays who seek to reform and yet they are still gay. Again, the devil has nothing to do with being gay. Being gay to them is just as real as being straight. A gay man hungers and craves male affection much in the same way as a straight man does a woman. The gay man is not sexually aroused by a woman's body as he is a man's.

End of speech.

Paul O

I have gay friends at the hospital where I work. Gay men have always been good, kind and considerate to me. One day at work when I was having a particularly bad day, he took the time to find me and give me a small gift of a stained glass boat that he had made. He told me he hoped my day was going better and hoped his gift would cheer me up. It did. I still have this stained glass boat in my bedroom window.
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This was supposed to be about whether or

not there is a "gay gene".

It wasn't about people, politics or religion.

Either there is a "gay gene" or their isn't.

If there isn't (which many would now

consider a big surprise) what would happen?

What if there is no "gay gene"?

It's more of a science question than anything... :blink:

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Originally posted by elinz@Feb 15 2004, 04:40 PM

This was supposed to be about whether or

not there is a "gay gene".

It wasn't about people, politics or religion.

Either there is a "gay gene" or their isn't.

If there isn't (which many would now

consider a big surprise) what would happen?

What if there is no "gay gene"?

It's more of a science question than anything... :blink:

Ok, ok, ok. I just felt like interjecting my thoughts based on some things that were said in earlier posts.

What if there is no gay gene? Well then, in that case, there is no gay gene.


Paul O

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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by elinz@Feb 15 2004, 02:16 PM

The mountains are still beautiful I hope.

I'm a big mountain bike rider and hiker.

Do you think the church is dying?

The mountains are still wonderfully beautiful...but you can't see them too often in SLC because of the thick smog.

In Utah Valley, however, it is awesome all the time. There is some smog, but not enough to totally obliterate the mountains and all their majesty. I am revived each day by seeing the mountains and the beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

As to the church dying. I don't think the church is dying, but the people...well, I guess it could be compared to this board...you get all kinds...but the camps of elite and peon are definitely getting farther apart and more distinct.

It can also depend upon your ward and area leaders, and your particular perspective. If you are rich, it will be a good place. If you are trailorcourt bound, it will be hard. If you are middle class like us, it will be good and bad. :)

I think you will do fine here...maybe give the old place the shot in the arm it needs.

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I'm pretty good financially. No problems.

The Mormon Movie business looks very interesting. I can

always get back into the programming field, but if I had

the choice I'd prefer to get into movie making.

Hollywood needs competition! Get the "other" side out!

I love Joan of Arcadia, maybe they will see that making

conservative programming can turn a profit.

What's the "word" on the street about "Joan of Arcadia"?

Is it accepted as a welcome thing or not?

I'm looking forward to moving... :D

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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by elinz@Feb 15 2004, 07:06 PM

I'm pretty good financially. No problems.

The Mormon Movie business looks very interesting. I can

always get back into the programming field, but if I had

the choice I'd prefer to get into movie making.

Hollywood needs competition! Get the "other" side out!

I love Joan of Arcadia, maybe they will see that making

conservative programming can turn a profit.

What's the "word" on the street about "Joan of Arcadia"?

Is it accepted as a welcome thing or not?

I'm looking forward to moving... :D

I think you could do well here. My daughter is actually traveling to Japan this next week with one of the 'Mormon movie makers' and when you get here, I could have her introduce you all to him. He is one of her close friends.

As for Joan of Arcadia, that is one of my favorites, and I have heard the news state that it is one of the most popular shows running right now.

When does it look like you will be moving here?

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I grew up in a wealthy area of California and was really

spoiled with my parents house. After years of struggle

I managed to buy a small fixer upper and remodel it.

Then I sold everything and moved to Missouri.

Here you can buy a mansion for peanuts.

So I have to sell my 4 bedroom, 4 bath home first.

(okay, you can laugh now, single guy in big house :lol: )

It was always a dream, so I fulfilled it. Plus since

I paid cash it's almost like living for free. Add in the

profit from appreciation and I'll be close to even.

Plus, I want to get out before interest rates climb.

Also, I've got a home repair project that will add

value and it has to be above freezing for me to

do it comfortably.

So probably May, June, July?

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We can all get back to the "gay gene" thing if everyone wants to.

But in a sense this topic doesn't generate as much controversy.

It's so sober to look at it clearly. What fun is that?

The gay groups loves to create an emotional firestorm where

the "good guys" are defying the oppressors and liberating

themselves toward "freedom".

The foolish conservative takes the bait and allows themselves

to be drawn into and cast as the homophobe that hates and

criminalizes gay people. "Gays are evil!" they say.

Well, yes, gays are evil, but not in the sense that most non-gays

imagine. They are as evil as someone that can't quit smoking.

They're hooked and can't get out.

And then along comes the "gay gene" myth to add fuel to

the flames. (flamers :lol: ) What better way could there be

to make your cause seem valid?

What an ultimate rationalization!

It's no longer even a choice... They are BORN that way! :lol:

But you never know, maybe the jokes on me because maybe

down the road we really will discover a medical reason for the


It's just that the sober eye is very skeptical.

(and I lived next to and worked with gays for years)

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Originally posted by elinz@Feb 15 2004, 02:54 PM

But I was under the impression that the Utah Valley

(near Provo) was 90% Mormon and as a consequence

has virtually zero crime.

Re think this. What do you have in your town right now? Some high schools? Do you have troubled teenagers? Would you say that 10-20% are upt ot no good? Well it is the same in UV. But if 90% are Mormon, and 20% up to no good... atleast 10% of all teenagers are upt to no good and are Mormon. Well, for those who live in Utah, they will say it is scarier than that. Just take your everyday "active" ward. Half the youth probably aren't being good kids on the weekdays.

Also consider this. In the East, we have kids who either have figured out they want to be a strong member, or leave. They can leave, because they don't have 90% of the population ready to discourage them. In Utah, it is a given that you go on a mission. But also, in Utah, and places like AZ, CA, ID, OR and the West, kids come home from missions a lot.

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Guest Starsky

Also consider this. In the East, we have kids who either have figured out they want to be a strong member, or leave. They can leave, because they don't have 90% of the population ready to discourage them. In Utah, it is a given that you go on a mission. But also, in Utah, and places like AZ, CA, ID, OR and the West, kids come home from missions a lot.

There are also clicks that keep good kids out of that supportive circle....and you are right...the two years my son was on his mission, there were 11 total missionaries sent out and 9 of them came home early...and I am talking early! None of them stayed out more than 5 months...one even left three days after entering the mission home.

These kids are 'church spoiled'. They have it too easy and are weak.

My son and the one sister missionary sent were the only two to last the entire time.

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Had I not been "accidentally" introduced to a group of

local Mormons I never would have known about them.

In California (as everywhere in the US) they are made

to appear to be dangerous freaks.

That's why a stronger media presence would be the

best thing the Church can do.

The US is the "Beast" as they say, so it's hard for us

to understand that we are our own worse enemy.

But consider this:

Things are now so radically screwed up, and the truth

is so well concealed from the many, that if the LDS media

began to show itself more as a RADICAL alternative

to the corrupted status quo it might start to sell.

Post 911 there is an opening.

The "bad guys" will "spin" things the other way and

claim that all religion is evil.

So there is a battle.

The "bad guys" are selling a lie that will eventually

collapse, but try to drag all of us down with them.

The Church needs to lay the ground work for future


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