Sealing Clearance

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Hi everyone

Apparently, I haven't checked into this since 2007. Holy cow! And I managed to find my way back because I've been trying to get more input.

And I guess my question has really been answered, but I figured I'd see what others' experiences have been.

My fiancee and I are planning to get married. And we've been making plans to get married in January. But I need a sealing clearance. The paperwork should be in Salt Lake at this point.

I realize it's a case-by-case issue, but do you know how long it takes to come back? The only wild card I have is that I have been out of touch with my ex and she has moved, so the letter the bishop sent to her was unanswered, of course. I assume she's still active, but I understand she's living in Taiwan.

What do you know about sealing clearances?

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Hi everyone

Apparently, I haven't checked into this since 2007. Holy cow! And I managed to find my way back because I've been trying to get more input.

And I guess my question has really been answered, but I figured I'd see what others' experiences have been.

My fiancee and I are planning to get married. And we've been making plans to get married in January. But I need a sealing clearance. The paperwork should be in Salt Lake at this point.

I realize it's a case-by-case issue, but do you know how long it takes to come back? The only wild card I have is that I have been out of touch with my ex and she has moved, so the letter the bishop sent to her was unanswered, of course. I assume she's still active, but I understand she's living in Taiwan.

What do you know about sealing clearances?

If everything was in place, then before Christmas you would have an answer but without her letter HQ will try everything possible to contact her, even writting to local leaders to try to find her if she's in Taiwan. So the time frame blows out a bit here. Hopefully she is active and they can just call her on whatever phone is on her membership record.

I would still try to find her in Taiwan via internet, phone books or better use the new church directory which any clerk and bishopric member has access to on the new website, ie they can go through the membership lists ward by ward in Taiwan and hopefully find her and then call her yourself. Ask for that favor on a week night and you might get lucky.

I'd be hoping for an answer before Feb next year.

But it also depends on whether you had children or not and whether there was any sin involved by either party.

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