8 Quotes to Help You Understand the Importance of Patience

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I am a really impatient person. When I was younger and I didn't want to be late for an activity, I would go wait out in the car. (Mind you, I was unable to drive at this point in my life.) If I didn't think a family member was moving fast enough, I would usually end up honking the horn or yelling from the garage for them to get a move on. I know, I know, not my finest moments. While I am still not a perfectly patient person, I have considerably improved since then. Patience is a process that I will continue to be improving upon throughout my life. If you, like me, struggle at times with patience—whether it be with yourself, family members, or your circumstances—here are a few quotes to help you remember the importance of developing patience. Neil A. Maxwell "Patience is not indifference. Actually, it is caring very much, but being willing, nevertheless, to submit both to the Lord and to what the scriptures call the 'process...

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