When You Get Revelation to Marry—But Your S.O. Doesn’t

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It's crazy how much heartbreak can feel like physical, tangible pain. At least, that was my experience when I went through my first breakup. I was the one who was broken up with, and I wondered if I'd ever find anyone better, if I'd ever be more attracted to someone, if I would ever truly be happy with anyone else. The short answer? Yes. Looking back now, I can see that the breakup was for the best and that there was someone much better for me out there — but at the time, it just felt like there was a hole in my chest that would never be filled. Although no breakup is enjoyable, I truly believe that the absolute worst and most painful breakups are the ones that are unexpected, leaving you blindsided because you felt like God told you that you should marry your now-ex. What if They're My One and Only? In a BYU devotional, Dr. Thomas B. Holman said: "Let me make two things clear about what is meant by “the right person.” First,...

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For sure it's physical pain, too. Somewhere there was a medical article about that but please don't ask me to cite it.  :-) Regardless, the emotional pain of realizing revelation was only one-sided is even worse after 4 years of widowhood, and your first marriage had been a rocky road due to spouse's serious mental illness (requiring a lot of patience on my part). I was definitely blindsided by this recent rejection because God did tell me in the temple he was the one this time.  I always thought the Holy Ghost spoke the truth without overriding freedom of choice, but I'm told by others my former friend has "a few problems".  I wonder why I was about to make the same mistake again. Perhaps I'm still naive after all these years. I finally decided two people have to be on the same spiritual wavelength to receive the same direction from God. Topics, including church attendance, have to be important to both of you to a very similar degree.

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