New Study Finds Connection Between Depression and LACK of Religion

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Depression rates in the U.S. have been on the rise in recent decades with a 33 percent increase between 2013 to 2016. Many people point fingers at social media and the FOMO and culture of comparison that comes along with it as the source of increased rates of depression. However, a new study suggests that a lack of religion and spiritually is really to blame for the increase. The study used brain imaging to observe individuals who were determined to be at risk for major depressive disorder based on their family history. The researchers then concluded that religious or spiritual beliefs may affect the brain on a microstructural level and that these structural differences made the individuals more resilient to depression. Sure people tell you going to church is good, but what about it makes you more resilient when it comes to depression? The answer is two-fold. First, religion gives individuals a sense of purpose. Researchers from the University of Gdansk in Poland have found that having a...

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