What Latter-day Saints Can Learn from Lent

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Every year in March I hear things about Lent. Ash Wednesday, fasting, giving something up. But what is Lent? Why is it important to many Christian denominations? And, more importantly, what can members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (still getting used to that mouthful) learn from Lent? The History The observation of Lent probably goes back to apostolic times, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. It was formalized during the First Council of Nicaea in 325 BC. Lent typically begins 40 days before Easter to symbolize Christ’s journey into the wilderness and His 40-day fast to prepare for His ministry. The last week of Lent is Holy Week, which commemorates Christ’s last week. Holy Week starts with Palm Sunday, includes Good Friday, and ends with Easter—the day Christ was resurrected. Traditions According to Wikipedia, “The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer for Easter through prayer, doing penance, repentance of sins, almsgiving, and denial of ego.” This typically involves periods of fasting and many give up a luxury...

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