Church Folklore That Sounds Like It Started as an April Fools’ Day Joke

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While rumors can be harmful (and often just straight up mean), sometimes they're so ridiculous that you can't help but laugh — i.e., that Nicolas Cage is a time-traveling vampire (although, okay, this one's probably true judging by this picture), that Elvis and Tupac are secretly still alive, and that alligators are living in the NYC sewers. In a church that's been around for almost two centuries, it's no surprise that sometimes rumors get spread around among its 16 million+ members... And while they're probably not on par with the conspiracy that the American government is actually run by evil lizard people, there are some pretty good ones. Rumor #1: Cain is Bigfoot via This is one of the most well-known LDS urban legends out there. Due to a highly circulated, unvalidated story, many people believe that Cain (the son of Adam and Eve, and the world's first murderer) was condemned to wander the Earth forever as Bigfoot. The story, which was first told in Lycurgus Wilson's biography on David W....

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