Insightful TED Talk Reveals the Secret to Forming Habits You’ll Actually Keep

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We've all been there. It's the start of the new year (or any other time) and you identify a few habits/goals/resolutions that, if kept, are sure to improve your life for the better. It's time to get after it. You hit the gates running at first, going several consecutive days or even weeks exercising each day, flossing nightly, or eating the proper amount of fruits and vegetables. Then, before you know it, you revert back to your old ways. The snooze button on your alarm clock is far more enticing than a morning workout, flossing is a time-consuming pain, and you rediscover your love for fresh baked cookies and salty snacks. Resolution broken. It's amazing how often this happens. Countless successful and happy people from all walks of life make and break well-intended goals every day. Why is it SO hard to stick with a new objective we have made, especially when we know it will benefit us? Is there any way to form habits you will actually keep? There sure is. Cue...

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