June 27th - anniversay of martyrdom

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On the 27th of June, we remembered once more the anniversary of the Prophet Joseph Smith's martyrdom. With this, we should remember all of the sacrifices he made for the Mormon Church, and how hard he worked to lay the foundation for the amazing worldwide church we have today.

Joseph Smith was excluded as a youth, brutalized as an adult, and martyred as he approached middle age because he would not deny his beliefs. Because he never backed down from doing God's will, we can receive the benefits of the Mormon Church, Mormon Temples, and a modern prophet.

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I believe that the death of JS PROOVES the truth of his being a prophet...He could have run, he could have used the gun that he had hidden on him and he never had to have allowed himself to be arrested...He didn't run, he didn't kill the jailer...he could have continued on to the salt lake valley...he didn't have to come back across the river. I believe that JS was not perfect...but he was G-d's man. He was a prophet of G-d. And his death was proof to me of his character.

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Guest Purple Smidgen

How does this prove he was a prophet? Maybe he was a good man with strong morels? If I am to accept Mormonism as a true church...how do I know for certain this Joe Smith was a Prophet?

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Because he knew he was going to his death when he left Nauvoo, he had the means to run, he had the means to kill the jailer and free himself and his friends...he chose not to.

That was because he had peace about his own death, he knew that G-d was in control of even his own mortality. He was a prophet and he prophesied his own death...in fact...he knew BEFORE the destruction of that printing press that he was not long for this Earth, he told his closest friends that he would die soon, he knew it was coming.

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Also, I would advise you to read the Book of Mormon, I assume that the missionaries gave you one? Pray about it...ask G-d if it is true, take these questions you have to the lord, ask G-d if Joseph Smith was a prophet...don't take my word for it...Don't take anybodies word for it...go to the lord and trust him to not steer you wrong.

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Guest Purple Smidgen

Yes they did give me a copy of the Book of Mormon, I am reading it. I am not really sure even HOW to pray...I don't exactly have a good understanding about God....speaking of God, why do you not spell out the whole name?

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Just talk to G-d like you would your father...he loves you like a father, just remember to give him the respect that you would give a father and go to him knowing that he wants to bless you. As far as why I purposely misspell G-d's name...it is because I am learning Hebrew in my spare time and in doing so, I have learned a lot about Judaism...I like and respect their custom of revering G-d so much that they do not directly say the name of G-d and when they DO have to say it or write it...they purposely misspell it, to maintain the respect that they feel he deserves. I think that is awesome and I have decided to emulate that.

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Guest Purple Smidgen

Oh, interesting. Thanks for the advise! I actually DID pray with the missionaries the day they came over...they are comming back on Friday, and I said I would go to church with them on Sunday. I'm kind of looking forward to it as I'm kind of a loner. I live by myself, have no kids...don't know too many people. I never was much into religion, but as I've gotten older...I've been thinking about it more. My parents were Catholic, but I was not really raised in the church much...we just made the obligatory holiday appearance, you know. Anyway, I have been thinking more about God lately, and what do you know!! These two handsome young boys come knocking at my door!!! What a coincidence!!! Cool, huh?

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