Hinckley Family Donates 5 Rare Books of Scripture to BYU

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

This article was originally written by Jason Swensen for Deseret News. The following is an excerpt. 

In his Oct. 1993 General Conference address, President Gordon B. Hinckley spoke of the pleasure he had realized reading the Book of Mormon’s sacred words.

“I speak as one who has read it again and again and tasted of its beauty and depth and power,” he said. “I have read much of English literature. In my university days, I tasted the beauty and richness of the whole field from ancient to modern times. … But withal, I have not received from any of these the inspiration, the knowledge of things sublime and eternal that have come to me from the writings of the prophets found in this volume.”

A visual reminder of President Hinckley’s well-known love for the Book of Mormon, other scriptures and the written word is on display at Brigham Young University’s Gordon B. Hinckley Alumni and Visitors’ Center.

President Hinckley’s five children recently donated to BYU five books of scriptures — four rare editions of the Book of Mormon and a copy of the Doctrine and Covenants — that belonged to their father’s personal library. The five books anchor an exhibition on display, in full, through May on the main floor of the BYU facility named for the Church’s 15th president.

Read the full article at DeseretNews.com.