5 Keys to Answering Tough Questions About the Church

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

This article was originally written by David L. Beck, Young Men General President for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Below is an excerpt. 

Have you ever been asked a tough question about the Church by one of your friends?

It can be an intimidating experience to be asked questions about the Church. Imagine you are eating lunch at school with a group of friends when one of them turns to you and says, “I heard Mormons are not Christians. Is that true?”

You explain that “Mormon” is just a nickname and that the real name of the Church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

“I believe in and follow Jesus Christ,” you add. Then someone asks another question. This time the question sounds more like an attack, and you’re not so sure you have the right answer. Suddenly you feel singled out, as if you’re being interrogated. These moments may seem a little scary, but they can be a great learning experience for you and a chance to share the truthfulness of the gospel with others.

Five Principles of Sharing

Questions are at the heart of learning, and sincere gospel questions can lead to understanding and testimony for you and your friends. Consider the following principles as you share answers to gospel questions. Remember that how you react to the question and how you live your life can have just as great an influence as the actual words you say.

Read the full article at LDS.org.