Missionary Describes Experience Passing Out 2,400 Copies of Book of Mormon Outside Musical

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Whitney Thomas

Joined: Aug 2014

“The Book of Mormon” musical made a stop in Birmingham, Alabama, last week, and missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the area once again took to the streets to share the real book with people leaving the show.

The musical comedy ran for six days at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex and Alabama.com reports that after each show, at least four missionaries would stand outside to pass out copies of The Book of Mormon. In total, the group placed over 2,400 copies.

Missionaries standing outside smiling
Elder Savage, the third missionary from the left, shared that the experience was one of the best of his life. Image via Alabama.com.

Of the experience, Elder Savage, from Lindon, Utah shared,

[quote_center]”As for the Book of Mormon Musical it was awesome! Probably one of the best experiences I have had on my mission! The down part was that it was really cold! For the 2 nights that we were there we handed out 500 Book of Mormons! It was so cool!! The people would come out in droves after the play was over and we would just go right into the middle of them and start saying, “Free Book of Mormons from the real Mormons” and stuff like that it was awesome! I even signed a few autographs and took some pictures with people cause they thought it was so cool to meet real Mormons. It was super fun!”[/quote_center]

Margie Westenhofer, the Bessemer Stake Director of Public Affairs for the Church told Alabama.com that many attendees treated the hand-out like it was a part of the show,

People were taking them like they were souvenirs… People would say, ‘I want one. I want one.’

The musical continues its tour in Kansas City this week.