TV Host Who Only Says “Yes” Runs Into LDS Missionaries

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

A Flemish television show called “Ja Jan” follows a man around who has committed to saying “yes” to every question for 60 days. During one day of the experiment, Jan ran into missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and inevitably responded in the affirmative to every question they asked.

As Jan starts off each day, he flips a coin to decide which direction he will walk that day. On the morning featured on episode 4, which aired on January 26, 2015, the coin-flip had Jan walk straight from his home. It was on this path that he ran into Elder Argueta and his companion, two Mormon missionaries from America. When Jan asked Elder Argueta why he was so far from home, Elder Argueta responded that he “was here to share the gospel with people, share a little bit about Jesus Christ, and also serve people.” 

After Jan explained the premise of his TV show, Elder Argueta asked Jan for his number and informed him that they would call him. When Jan answered their phone call a week later, he committed to meet up with the missionaries and proceeds to spend the entire day with them.

To see what happens as Jan learns more about what missionaries for the Church do and what Latter-day Saints believe, watch the video here.

*The link to the video has recently been taken down.