Gallup: Utah has Highest Frequent Church Attendance

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According to the latest Gallup poll, slightly more than half of all Utah residents say they attend religious services weekly, making Utah the state with the highest church attendance.

Gallup attributes Utah’s number one spot on the list to Utah’s 59% Mormon population, stating that Mormons have the highest religious service attendance out of all other religious groups in the United States.

Residents in the Southern states of Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and Arkansas have the next highest church attendance as seen in the chart below.

Image via Gallup.
Image via Gallup.

In contrast, the lowest levels of church attendance are found in the the New England states: Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts.

Image via Gallup.
Image via Gallup.

At the 2015 National Prayer Breakfast, President Barack Obama said, “The United States is one of the most religious countries in the world — far more religious than most Western developed countries.” This Gallup poll confirms that statement while also indicating strong differences of religious devotion amongst the states.

To read the whole study, click here.

Bridget is a newsroom writer at She graduated in April 2015 from Brigham Young University in communications with an emphasis of public relations. She served a Spanish speaking LDS mission in McAllen, Texas. She is a skilled pianist and an expert baker of chocolate chip cookies.