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Everything posted by kathysmike

  1. Reading Gwen's reply, reminded of a story my Stake President shared with me, he was handling a case of a young widow, seeking the chance to be sealed to her new spouse. The 1st presidency requested letters from the deceased spouse's parents and the children...so each situation is different, only through the spirit and revelation to the 1st Presidency can, such things be granted.
  2. I am currently going through, getting a clearence to be sealed to my wife, I was asked to write a letter too the 1st Presidency. My Bishop sent letters to my ex(s) asking thier thoughts on the clearnce and the divorce...what led up to it ect. The Bishop reviewed the material wrote a letter also, than forwared the packet to the stake President, who I sat down with and clarified the details and talked about the things he wanted me to do before he finished his end, he wrote a letter and submitted it to SLC, as to how long it takes each case is different. I have heard of cases that took over a year and others between 3 and six months. In her case she would need the ok from her former spouse for the temple divorce to take place. Best place to start is with your Bishop(s). Good luck.
  3. LM, thanks for the quote and link, it always helpful to have the words of our leaders to confirm what you know is true and correct.
  4. Not taking my meds is not an option, my mind and thoughts are clear except for the fog of every day life we all deal with. The reason these things have been on my mind so much in the last few months, is my wife and I are preparing to be sealed, papers are currently in Salt Lake, and upon clearance from the 1st presidency we will be sealed, in the Detroit Temple, an event that I(we) have postponed long enough. My wife is very anxious for this to happen as she feels short changed can't say I blame her. I have examined my life and past mistakes in hopes of better understanding myself and not to repeat the and same mistakes. My Stake President a doctor, a close family friend has been very supportive of our desires, and my continued treatment.
  5. Others juding me is one reason I now find it very hard to share my experince with others, I joined a LDS online support group( I use that term losely) the owner and other members were so anti medication, I left the group very quickly once they began to tell me I could simply overcome with faith. My 2 children are the ones who have suffered most as they are (have) been raised by single mothers,due to my not being in control of my thoughts leading to thier mothers deciding it would be best to leave. Fournetly my adult daughter, is doing very well attending school and working fulltime, she is extremly well adjusted, concidering her mom passed away only a few months ago. I ordained son a Deacon a few weeks ago. I try and take an active part in his life, and have enjoyed watching him grow, something I missed out with my daughter.
  6. In another thread on the Word of Wisdom, one of the replies, mentioned taking non life saving medication, as something to be weary of, what concerns me is that for the last decade or more, I have faithfully taken a prescription. While others may not think of this as a life saving drug, for me it has changed my life and allowed me to have clarity of thought and cognitive awareness that had been missing for a number of years. I have been told by countless members that if I applied the proper amount of faith, my need for the medication would no longer exist. My personal belief through much prayer and fasting, is as follows; we know all truth and knowledge comes from one source, and therefore the truths that led to the development of said medication, to treat not only my condition but others that would be considered life threatening, came from the same source. In speaking with my Bishop about this whole subject he instructed me that if I was ever unable to afford the medication, not to do without but let him know and he would see that the church cover the cost. When I was dating my wife she was well aware of my situation, one of the reasons we married was the fact I promised that I would continue to take the medication as directed, and to this day she will often ask me if I have taken the medication, as she does with my life saving drugs, insulin and other related pills. After all that my question is this would you continue to take a drug that treated a non life threatening condition as you progress in the gospel ? As a side note since stating on this drug I have not had a major episode, which I have had many, which led to misery for myself and others around me.
  7. I was able to get to know both President albright and , while onmy mission in Vegas,back in 1984 and 85.
  8. Just yesterday, in my ward the Priesthood was asked to allow the the Relief Society to meet in the chapel, since they need the room. Which is fine with the brethren , since the Elders Quorum can now meet in the warm cozy R.S room instead of the cold stage. It is very rare that we have Husbands and Wives speak at the same meetings, prayers' are never offered by spouses on the same week.
  9. I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder in the early 90's since then I have found that most people have little no understanding of M.I. They are or appear to be afraid of it. The biggest stigma I face from other members is, that if I had enough faith I would not need to take the medication, that has helped me see myself and others unclouded, and be able to make informed decisions in my life. It is important to learn to let the opinions of others roll off our backs( I know easier said then done) as we do so we are better able to deal with the illness and use our copping skills to get through those dark times. I wish you the best in dealing with this situation. Mike
  10. Absolutely, at the end of the day when I personally reflect on the things I have said. There is always things I shouldn't of said. At this moment in time, I do consider myself to be fairly unique. That being said, the work I do, and think about 24/7, is rather basic in fact one could say it's not rocket science When I left for work, between 4 and 5 inches of snow had fallen, it's a nightmare dealing with drivers who have no clue how to drive in conditions like these. With all due respect Mike
  11. Something I have seen done when visiting with relatives for a meal who are not members and would be offended if even the idea of prayer would be mentioned, is to have a prayer and blessing on the food before entering the home or public setting.
  12. This is the way I was taught to pass the sacrament. I have been instructing my son, soon to be 12, and ordained a Deacon the same respect, in handling the sacrament as I was taught. My biggest pet peeve; we sit in the last row, the only row with whelchair access, those passing the sacrament seem to forget our row every week, this means one of has to be distracted as we try to get the attention of the young man to bring the tray to us. Next to that is coming into the chapel and finding both ends of the wheelchair pew occupied those who have no need for the access, forcing us to sit in the asile in the overflow.
  13. Reading Slot Car racing 1/24. Spending time with family.
  14. After picking my son up for a visitation, when he was around 4. He very proudly announced he had 2 moms his real mom and a step down.
  15. A big heartfelt congrats!!!!!!!!!
  16. Who remembers the Lite-Brite or Sizzler race track ?
  17. As far as leaving the service dog home is not an option, the ward members become very upset when the dog is not in church, the sister go out of there way to be of service to my spouse. That is beside the fact the dog's purpose and trianing is to work, leaving him home is not somthing we do often. DW, is not working does not drive so sunday is a chance for the dog to get out and work. Maybe our ward is backward but, those of us in the extended families are the ones who get lost, we have family close therefore we do nt need the fellowship of other saints, seems to be the inital thoughts. Presently my wife and myself have no issuse like this. Our uncomfortable times come when we see other families our age with thier children grown and teens, and we have no children together, but that is a whole can of worms I will not open.
  18. I currently have assimulated into the ward with my own "idenity". I was wondering how too reach out to those who feel ignored by those members who are not part of those extended families. I am pretty much antisocial weeks will go by without anyone speaking to me, I have no problem with that. I know others would actualy my wife talks to many of the members and keeps me informend. We have our bench, but physical needs makes it hard to sit elsewhere as a wheelchair, any where else in the chapel would detract from the true meaning of the sacrament meeting, not to mention the 70 pound Black Lab service dog that is my wife's legs. My Nephew and his family sit in the same pew my parents family used. His parents who meet in the same building sit in the same pew. It would be alot easier if the same families did not sit in the same pews week after week, I use to think it was funny how other faiths would sell pews, but I see the same thing going on in the LDS wards pews seemto be assigned by longiviety in the ward.
  19. What I meant to say it seems those of us in the extended families become lost because, others autmaticaly associate us with the family name and them assume all is well. One of the hardest adjustments I have had to make in this ward was a few months ago when my 21 year old nephew was called to be in the eq presidency. I had to realize even though I am 44 we both need to be in the eq right now. My parents and siblings were part of the ward when it was orginized some 30 years ago. Most of the extended families are original also, so are history goes back along ways with these families. Some of them were members of the same feeder ward as my family, all can be traced back to one ward that began to be split in the 60's.
  20. I love the ward I live in, however there are many multi genaration families int he ward including my own. My Mother, and a nephew and his wife and daughter The issue arises with those not part of these big families. We seem to loose our individual idenities we are part of the "Smith" family. I know it was hard for us to adjust to when we moved back to this ward. It camre to my attention this week as I found out a young married couple has stopped attending our ward for the very same reason. They won't return calls(etc.). They are attending another ward in a near by stake, with his mother. Any ideas on how to combat his?
  21. Thanks for every ones support, as things stand today he is going to stay at his mother's. He was suppose to be here this morning to help me with the yard, his mom called and said she bring him by this afternoon but he was feeling under the weather. He spent the day on thursday here with my wife, they walked to the market about 3 miles round trip, he was a big help to her in pushing her chair, and carrying the bags home. After talking with my wife I do not feel he has started using drugs...yet. By her description of his behavoir. I have worked with many addicted men, I know rthey will lie to thier own mother to get a "fix". Once again thanks to every one for your replies. Mike
  22. My wife’s 22 year old nephew, who has never been able to hold a job, has asked if he could spend the night at our home. Now David has spent the last 3 years living on the other side of the state. He lived with his grandfather, for awhile he stayed at their place while they went to Arizona for the winter. He trashed his living area. Was sleeping in their bed. Not working. He spent the last 3 months sleeping in a dumpster; his mom brought him home a couple of weeks ago, bad situation between David and stepfather. Now he is asking to sleep at our place. We have banned any alcohol or illegal drug use in our home. However I know he drinks, and more than likely uses drugs. I want to tell him no, but am faced with causing my wife who is trying to help David hurt feelings. He plans on going out with friends tonight. Any ideas?
  23. On Woodward and on the same lot is both a chapel and the Detroit Temple, the chapel is the building on the south side of the lot. There is family wards and a single ward (18-30) that meet in the bulding. You may want to check out the building locator at LDS.org for times.