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Everything posted by Nicartos

  1. Recently, I was surfing the web, and it crossed my mind to look up some of the reasons we are disliked. I was shocked. Christians, including us, are considered with such hatred and bitterness. There was one page in particular, that mentioned how he was always treated badly by members when he had sinned, and therefore left the church. And it made me come to a realization. These people are extremely unlikely to ever obtain exaltation, and now I feel as the sons of Mosiah, shuddering at the very though of other, real, living and feeling human beings, not gaining the wonders that are available to them, if they only realized. And then, I was horrified by the realization that my best friend is a catholic. I love her so much, but she cannot make it to the celestial kingdom in her current ways. What can I do?!
  2. I used to accept our church's teachings with little problem, but now, as I grow older and learn more, I seem to be assaulted by doubt on every side. With evolution, is science wrong? Are the scriptures not meant literally? Did God really make the earth in six days? Did He use evolution? Or maybe, is science right, and religion is wrong.... I don't want to believe it, but my faith is waning. Any advice, please!!