Paul Osborne

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  1. I've learned a lot about the church through Internet postings and whatnot. I don't post much on this forum because it's not a very comfortable place to hang out. Moderation is a little too heavy handed for me. I'm disappointed to see that my old friend Moksha got banned. Paul O
  2. You got it beefche! Crank up Whole Lotta Love and forget about talking about the problems. Just let the music be the master and go for it. That is the advice I'd give to a couple that needs to spice up their dull relationship. It's a sure fire way to find enjoyment. One need not talk about it. Just do it. Crank it up! Paul O
  3. Well, Pam, you need not respect my opinion about Led Zeppelin's labor of love. I'm not asking for that. It matters not to me whether people respect me or my opinions. I'm simply saying that my opinion is the best opinion and, that's my opinion. I honestly think that sex is the most important part of life and God wants it to continue and remain a hot topic for everyone. Led Zeppelin can help people feel sexy and that can add a lot of spice in any dull relationship. And, since Led Zeppelin was your first purchase it is certainly something that you will never forget. Paul O
  4. Actually, Whole Lotta Love was recorded in 1969 and was new proof that Led Zeppelin was an emerging super group. They even appeared in the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City at about that time, I think it was their second US tour. The song Thank You on that album is simply beautiful. And yes, All of my Love from the In through the Outdoor is another wonderful song -- a good song for couples when having sex. I think Whole Lotta Love is great advice for every married couple that needs to spice up their private lives. Sex is important for marriage to be successful and too many marriages have poor sex lives because couples just don't know how to fix it. Self help books aren't always the answer. General Conference talks certainly won't help much in this arena. But listening to Whole Lotta Love will definately get the ball rolling between two loving persons. Right? Of course I'm right. Thank you Led Zeppelin for spreading the message of love! You see, it is all a matter of perspective! Paul O
  5. It is a song known by millions and makes us think of love and the expression between persons who want to share love. Have you heard of the Stairway to Heaven? It makes us think of good things too. I love Led Zeppelin more than any other music, period. Always have and always will. It is my soul. Paul O
  6. The most uplifting video I know of is Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin because it makes me feel like I want to go to heaven and see God again, someday. There is no greater message than love and spreading love is God's way of doing things. Paul O
  7. Look Pam, Styx is OK. I have their greatest hits and enjoyed them back in the day. But the best band that ever graced this planet is Led Zeppelin. My first opportunity to see them live was in July of 1977. That was truly one of the best days of my life. Paul O
  8. Here is some source information from the Bible that teaches Jesus Christ is the Master of the Old Testament. I think it's worth book marking. Jehovah's Witness Paul O
  9. I’m a cross between a conservative and a fundie. But I have a touch of moderate in me as well – as well as a touch of liberal. I agree with oaf1984 on the coke issue and feel that too many traditions such as partaking of the sacrament with the right hand may be a bit overboard. Personally, I drink coke all the time and also enjoy nonalcoholic beer. I don’t dress in suits very often but enjoy wearing colored shirts to church and often skip the tie. I’m a big time Led Zeppelin fan and enjoyed them a lot back in the 70’s – including seeing them live in concert. However, I’m pretty dogmatic about points of doctrine and insist that the commandments as generally spelled out in scripture and reaffirmed by the General Authorities be obeyed. I obey the WofW strictly and pay my tithes. Pornography is like scum in the bottom of the trash barrel covered by maggots. I have an absolute testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith and his successors, including Gordon B. Hinckley. I will die a faithful Mormon even if it kills me. Paul O
  10. Thanks for your comments, friends. Indeed, I'm going to turn a new leaf about how I talk about religious differences on the Internet. Actually, I'm taking a little break. I've had so much contentious experiences over the years that I'm contentioned out. Some of the debates I've had were just knock down dragged out fist-fights - sort of fun but not spiritually helpful to my soul. The Internet can be a trap to contention if we ain't careful. Like I said, a new leaf for me is in order. With the new year I'm making some major life changes. I hope to participate more on the board later. Take care. Paul O
  11. Lindy, Yes, I found out that the deleting of the threads was an error. I don't mean to bore you with my adventures but I was so disturbed that I had to tell someone - and what better place than the LDS Talk board, and a couple others too? Paul O
  12. Well, I can understand your sentiments. Being a BofA apologist is no easy chore no matter how you go about it. I happen to see things differently than a lot of folks. Actually, I've come to learn there are a lot of LDS people out there that like the stuff I've published on my site. I get mail all the time to that effect. So, I guess that makes it worth it. If no one liked my stuff I'd probably fold up shop and not pay the cost to run a site that meets with no appreciation. Now, I've been reading in the gospels lately and have come to the realization that so many of us aren't as Christian as we think we are. That includes me because I've said a lot of hurtfull things to many people on the Internet. But, thank goodness I've said some good things too. But really, I did try and be decent over on that message board but was constantly barked at and the things they said about our church and prophets were just uncalled for. Some of those people over there are not Christians even though they profess to be. So, with that, have a good day, Snow. Paul O
  13. Yes, by all those who lost the arguments. I say "lost" because it was so evident, more so than ever before in my experience in debating people about Mormonism. They were just rude and nasty, constanty foaming at the mouth with hatred towards Joseph Smith. Paul O
  14. I felt hurt and wanted to tell others about it. I was hoping that maybe someone here will go there and tell them to go to hell for me. I didn't have the chance to do that because I was too nice. Paul O
  15. Lindy, I joined that board and simply defended LDS principles and practices by using the scripture. I wasn't rude at all, perhaps a bit forward in my presentation - forthright and honest, but not rude. I talked about polygamy and how it was practiced in the Bible. They think that prophets in the Bible who practiced polygamy were not in keeping with God's law. I defended some of Joseph Smith's prophecies that they claimed failed. There were angles that they had not ever considered. Also, the Book of Abraham was defended from angles they had not considered. But, they couldn't stand the thought that God is not always invisible and that he is really a Man, as it says in the Bible. So, I've found that some Christians are really the meanest people around. Thanks for listening. I had to get this off my chest. Paul O