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Posts posted by Fiannan

  1. The EPA Ok you really need to see this video.

    Myths and Truth are pointed out, “Blown out of proportion”

    I'm not even going to address the comment "I'm not going to reduce my quality of life"

    Talking about it is nice and all but how about doing something.

    We can debate both sides of this issue all we want wasting time as CO2 levels, measured by the ponds by the way climes.

    See the video with a open mind and check out the web site and take action in your own life.

    Wanna help reduce CO2? Plant a tree.

  2. <div class='quotemain'>

    To say that Rosie is loud and offensive is ... an assessment about about her public persona.

    I agree. It is your assessment of Rosie, or at least her public persona.

    It is you saying she is "loud" and "offensive".

    And whether or not other people agree with you is not the point.

    Now go ahead and tell us what you think it means to be "offensive", Tommy.

    Are you praising Rosie for being loud and offensive?

    I don't think so.

    What has she ever done to offend someone, Tommy?

    ... and in what way did she actually offend them?

    Well, I found her treatment of Tom Selleck quite rude and offensive --hey, he came on with the intention of talking about some of his current projects and she turned it into her little forum to attack him for supporting gun ownership rights.

    And she certainly offended Asians with her "ching chong" comments recently:

  3. as for the finnan comment i mean the whole reason for the idiology of north america and the americans in gerneral is that it is a big melting pot where all cultures and colored people are suppose to live as one in harmony with each other. culture will always be there since no one gives up there culture or there ethinicity so i think that argunment is week. move to another country and you will always have culture there no matter what.

    I have nothing against all people co-existing together. However, as for the underlying ideology you speak of, what is the origin of it? Is it in the Constitution or was it from quotes of Jefferson, Madison or even Lincoln?

  4. "As Outshined pointed out, you're applying Christian standards to Iraqi people, primarily Islamic, who chose to have him executed after review of the evidence."

    OK what is the difference between Islamic and Christians in Gods eyes :hmmm:

    I did not know God felt different about some of his children who were born in a primarily one part of the world then others :hmmm:

    I think why this is such a hot button issue is because very few of us have ever seen someone walked to the gallows :ph34r: before and it disturbed our spirits.

    Think about it :hmmm:

    I know it disturbed my household and the news was not watch for few days. Once was enough and that I turned off.

    Disturbing Vary Disturbing

    Christians used to take their kids to watch the public executions. Guess it depends on one's culture. Again, watching Saddam take the plunge was a lot less disturbing than watching his supporters slice the heads off innocent hostages in their recruitment videos. If you want to know "disturbing" go over to radio commentator Mike Savage's website and click on some of the Islamofascist links. Now that's disturbing.

  5. <div class='quotemain'>

    Better yet, let's also add Rosie's racist comments and let Michelle Malkin rip on the hypocrite:


    I trust you're not implying two wrongs make it suddenly Right?

    Two wrongs make something righ? What's that got to do with Rosie? I've never heard her say anything right in the first place.

  6. Again, I do not think that racism has anything to do with people not wanting to date outside their race. Perhaps it has to do with wanting to actually maintain diversity -- if everyone just blended together after a few generations then what becomes of ethnic identity?

  7. Heard that Rosie's racist joking (the "ching chong" thing) made quite a few Asians mad. Wonder why that did not get more MSM coverage.

    I also don't think it's a sign of racism to prefer to date people in your own race. Racism involves looking down on people due solely on their race, not wanting to marry people in your own race and have your children also inherit your cultural identity.

    Let the firestorm begin, I don't really care.

  8. I just saw the video on the internet (looks as if it is filmed on a cell phone) and indeed it is a bit uncomfortable. But then I remembered the tortures he put people through (like punishing an opponent buy kidnapping a child of the person and cutting the little child's arms off) or his son's iron maiden he had in his recreation hall (and not for decoration either). Then let us not forget it's Sunni extremists (many loyal to Saddam) that have kidnapped hundreds of people (Shia Iraqi police, Nepalese workers, Americans, etc) and videotaped their heads being sliced off so they could use the videos on the internet to recruit young Muslim men across the Middle East and Europe to wage war on the infidels. Sorry, Saddam earned every thread in that rope he dangled on (I will note however, that hangings in the USA involve a knot that snaps the neck instantly but that's not used in the Middle East -- just a warning for those curious to see the full video).

  9. Eeeegads!!!!!

    Maybe I am more prudish that I thought. :P

    Adult form me? ...Ha Ha Ha Yeah.

    Okay, this is what I was thinking or maybe an example or two.

    1. I live in Utah, and we do a lot of door to door charity drives. Say that it was a warm day and I was feeling especially comfortable in my skin and decided to go door to door nude collecting for the march of dimes.

    2. Take the same scenario, hot day, charity drive, this time clothed with an ice tea.

    Isn't number one the greater sin?( Just for arguement sake I look good nude.)

    It all depends on context. I would not want you coming to my door wearing a bikini or a burka either. If I was at a beach that was clothing optional be my guest to ask people for contributions to the MofD.

  10. I think that if you drink hot tea and are a nudist you are taking a great risk. Remember the lady who sued McDonands for spilling her coffee in her lap? If she'd been nude then that would have really hurt.

    If a person gets nude for one of those "Girls Gone Wild" vieeos advertised on TV or gets nude to get money at a strip club or gets nude to tease other people then that is a sin. If they get nude to go swimming or merely socialize with other like-minded people then I do not believe that is a sin.

    Same for the WOW. If you drink tea out of defiance towards the WOW then that is a sin. If you are in a remote Third World country where drinking water is dangerous, and you drink tea that has been at boiling point then I don't believe that is a sin.

  11. Actually, a glass of wine per day for men has been connected with lowering heart attack risk. However, the antioxidant compounds in red wine are also found in grape juice. It is not the alcohol that is associated with health. And women drinking only a glass of wine per day increase their chance of breast cancer and do not get the heart protection.

    If people want to get healthy hearts and reduce their cancer risks they need to exercise more often, have more sex and eat moderately right (no, I am not a health food Nazi).

    I have never desired alcohol -- either before or after joining the Church. Nor do I desire heroin or cocaine - also drugs that are dangerous to the body (although kill far fewer people than alcohol).

    Coffee? Hate the smell of it and especially hate the breath of people after they drink it. Cigarettes? Repulsive and dangerous. Never have smoked one in my entire life.

    Tea? That is something I grew up on (ice tea that is). That's the only thing I actually gave up when joining the Church.

  12. Okay, the reason I get up in arms over these issues is that few people know squat about history -- they know what Hollywood and maybe some history books in high school implied or taught.

    I had the opportunity to observe a high school class that one of my former high school teachers was conducting. One seemingly quiet blond girl, after reading the chapter on American Indians, asked the teacher I knew whay white people seemed to be so mean throughout the ages. The teacher (a Republican of course) said bad things occured in history but each and every race on the planet had done reprehensible things including genocide and slavery. It just seemed part of the human condition.

    Now what if the teacher had been a liberal and ran with this line of reasoning? Everyone reading this has probably faced such a teacher who can male even Mother Tereasa look like a fiend (I actually had a couple of professors in college who made humanitarians into villians by condemning them for saving the lives of women who would merely give birth to ten kids and then magnify the problems of poverty).

    If people truly understood the complexities of slavery then maybe they would not think it was a plight brought on by whites. Blacks, Arabs, whites and even Chinese bought African slaves. Arabs and Turks frequently captured white Europeans for slavery (the number has been estimated in the millions). Ghengis Khan sure did a job of genocide against white Slavs in the Ukraine and into the near east. And despite the myths of Dances With Wolves Indian tribes were quite nasty towards one another. Then of course we could discuss what killed off 9o% + of the casualties associated with the Conquistadors and it sure wasn't cannons or rifles that did it -- it was unintentional introduction of smallpox, plague, cholera and measles into the Indian populations.

    So maybe if history were presented more comprehensibly and instead of the "get whitie" approach then people wouldn't get so ticked over things like Kwanza.

  13. Should I apologize for my non-white ancestors who fought for the Confederacy and did a pretty good job reducing the number of "Yankees"? That was a long time ago though and I don't see a point making slavery an issue of divisiveness today.

    I don't see the Arabs or Turks apologizing for enslaving millions of white Christians from Europe ovver the past thousand years. Heck, Turkey doesn't even apologize for exterminating 1.5 million white Christian Armenians in the early part of the 20th. Century

    Oh, and as for a great piece of history:

    But in the Northern States the Cherokee people saw with alarm a violated Constitution, all civil liberty put in peril, and all the rules of civilized warfare and the dictates of common humanity and decency unhesitatingly disregarded. In States which still adhered to the Union a military despotism has displaced the civil power and the laws became silent amid arms. Free speech and almost free thought became a crime. The right to the writ of habeas corpus, guaranteed by the Constitution, disappeared at the nod of a Secretary of State or a general of the lowest grade. The mandate of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was set at naught by the military power, and this outrage on common right approved by a President sworn to support the Constitution. War on the largest scale was waged, and the immense bodies of troops called into the field in the absence of any law warranting it under the pretense of suppressing unlawful combination of men. The humanities of war, which even barbarians respect, were no longer thought worthy to be observed. Foreign mercenaries and the scum of cities and the inmates of prisons were enlisted and organized into regiments and brigades and sent into Southern States to aid in subjugating a people struggling for freedom, to burn, to plunder, and to commit the basest of outrages on women; while the heels of armed tyranny trod upon the necks of Maryland and Missouri, and men of the highest character and position were incarcerated upon suspicion and without process of law in jails, in forts, and in prison-ships, and even women were imprisoned by the arbitrary order of a President and Cabinet ministers; while the press ceased to be free, the publication of newspapers was suspended and their issues seized and destroyed; the officers and men taken prisoners in battle were allowed to remain in captivity by the refusal of their Government to consent to an exchange of prisoners; as they had left their dead on more than one field of battle that had witnessed their defeat to be buried and their wounded to be cared for by Southern hands.

    Declaration by the People of the Cherokee Nation of the Causes

    Which Have Impelled Them to Unite Their Fortunes With Those of the

    Confederate States of America.

  14. So instead of taking it out on Christmas and caucasians, AA's should celebrate Kwanzaa during Ramadan to separate themselves from the Muslim traditions of their ancient captors.

    Quite true. Although the Ethiopians also participated in the slave trade that mostly centered on eastern Africa in exporting fellow blacks into the Middle East for slave purposes. The Muslims were generally the ones in charge of much of the slave trade in Africa -- what, you think a bunch of white guys went on hunting expeditions into the heartland of Africa and snatched slaves?

    Also, while we are at it I was talking with a history professor the other day and I was actually unaware that Northern Africans went on slave raids as far as the coasts of Iceland up until the 17th. Century. I was aware that slave raids for hundreds of years took place in the British Isles, Spain, France, Italy, etc. and perhaps millions of Europeans were snatched ans sold as slaves in Africa and the Middle East. Also, the Ottoman Turks took part in slave raids into Greece until the beginning of WW1.

    And anyone who wants to see modern slavery needs only to see what the Islamic extremist government in Sudan is doing to the black Christian community in southern Sudan.

  15. Just tell them the truth about Santa Clause.

    during the third century in the village of Patara. At the time the area was Greek and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. He dedicated his life to serving God and was made Bishop of Myra while still a young man. Bishop Nicholas became known throughout the land for his generosity to the those in need, his love for children, and his concern for sailors and ships.

    Under the Roman Emperor Diocletian, who ruthlessly persecuted Christians, Bishop Nicholas suffered for his faith, was exiled and imprisoned. The prisons were so full of bishops, priests, and deacons, there was no room for the real criminals—murderers, thieves and robbers. After his release, Nicholas attended the Council of Nicaea in AD 325. He died December 6, AD 343 in Myra and was buried in his cathedral church

    As for the evolution of the modern image --

    Why lie to a kid? Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus and I believe Bishop Nicholas would be the first to emphasize the irony of what has become of his image and the holiday itself.


    A made-up, anti-Christian observance, Kwanzaa is celebrated by blacks who profess Christ. In our politically correct climate, even President George Bush, a believer in Christ, feels obligated to praise this ritual.

    Kwanzaa was invented in 1966 by Dr. Maulana “Ron” Karenga, a former black militant, Marxist and convicted felon. Claiming to have the unity of black people in mind, Karenga committed most of his crimes against blacks.

    Just five years after his invention, he was convicted of torturing two black women by stripping them naked, beating them with electrical cords, placing a hot iron into the mouth of one and mangling the toe of the other in a vise. During the ordeal, he forced them to drink detergent.

    But I digress.

    Observed from December 26 to January 1, this “alternative” to Christmas is based on a mixture of East African harvest rituals called first fruits — according to Karenga — and 1960s radicalism, although most ancestors of black Americans were from West Africa.

    Participants acknowledge their African roots and promote seven, harmless-sounding principles — unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith.

    While they sound commendable, the guiding principle behind Kwanzaa is based on race, not on faith in the one true living God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    I wonder how many people are aware of this?

  17. Interesting that you post this at this time. Just this week I was thinking about my relationship with my soon to be son in law who is not LDS. Two of my daughters have married LDS returned missionaries and both were physically abused by their LDS returned missionary husbands.

    I have three daughters (and one on the way) and if any of them say they will not marry a man because he isn't a RM they are in big trouble. I personally believe that the vast majority of RMs are wonderful people but I really don't think one should make that a litmus test for marriage.

    I don't know if any of my four sons will serve missions (hope they do) but if they do not Ì will hold them in no less esteme. I converted to the Church in the late 70s and saw a lot of young men go inactive because of the frenzie to pressure all young men to go on missions.

  18. GB-UK -- I have heard that there are some politically correct types in England trying to de-Christianize Christmas. I was happy to read that local Muslims have united with Christians to stop all this PC stuff because they don't want to get the blame for such actions.

    Maybe the two communities need to work together as in Islam their view of the last days is that Christians and Muslims will unite to wage war on the unbelievers and be victorious. Of course, in their view Jesus returns and then asks Christians to become Muslim so oh well.

  19. If every Christian made it a point to buy ornaments with a religious theme and send cards that likewise have such a theme then it would go a long way towards keeping Christ in Christmas. Maybe use this time to invite friends and relatives to church and take your family to nativity shows.

    I realize that corporate America would like to secularize the holidays (makes it easier to make up ad campaigns) and there are always those who despise Christianity and want to erase Christ from any public place but the best way (on an individual basis) to stand up against these forces is to double one's personal efforts to confront this.

    Who is with me on this one?