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Posts posted by firehotemily

  1. Have you seen Avatar the Last Airbender the cartoon? It's seriously one of the best made american animations. They're coming out with a brand new season this fall I believe and it's called The Legend of Korra

    Korra is the new avatar and it's set about 70 years in the future since the last episode of Avatar the last Airbender.

    Here are two commercials.


    The Last Airbender The Legend of Korra New Exclusive Trailer - YouTube

  2. yeah going on a mission will be awesome. Then when you get back you can figure out the rest, because there are age limits for missions, but not for schooling and military (well atleast you have a while until your to old for the military)

    From my stand point i say mission first.

    Good luck! and keep praying :D

  3. I's fine with like a light lipgloss. But i think any makeup like mascara and eyeshadow should be held for about 12-13

    kids usually shouldn't be wearing makeup unless it's for dress up or games like that. Like suzie said just let the kids be kids.


  4. Okay, well my friend is on his mission, and for a whole year i've written him letters. About the usual stuff, and random happenings and stuff that happens in my life. It's been a year and he hasn't even sent me a letter back. I have noooo idea why, it always baffled me. Because we were friends in highschool. But even in high school he never wrote back to me on facebook or in emails. But he would later tell me in person that he loved reading my random stories. I have no idea what his deal is, maybe he doesn't want to give off the wrong impression by writing back? (maybe he thinks that i like him for some odd reason) or something else.

    I dunno. So i stopped sending him letters for the past 4 months because he hasn't even said hi or anything. I figure that he liked reading the letters, but i'm not getting any response whatsoever back from him.

    Sad. And it makes me feel bad.

    Even back when we were in highschool together i would post something on his wall (facebook) and he'd never answer it. He would always answer other people's questions or comments but never mine. Never got why. lol

    maybe he didn't want to be friends anymore?


    oh well. But if you could have any idea as to why he doesn't send any reply back to me, please post them.

    I know missionaries are busy, and he was a very popular person, but i figure he would at least send something by now.

  5. Hello, I want some LDS opinion on this. So I am like...20 and if I remember correctly the prefered minimal LDS dating age was what...16? Though in-between these 4 years I have yet to land a single date with a girl, LDS or non-LDS either way.

    I know many people told me "the time will come" but I don't want to like some old gramps person by the time that happens. I mean all the LDS friends I have had since then had either gotten married or have been on numerous dates. I just want to know why I've been avoided or just been "collecting dust" these 4 years.

    I've tried to make contact with LDS girls that I liked and when I told them that I liked them even though we spent time around the same friends and stuff they just blew me off and thought I was a weirdo. I don't see what so weird about me, I mean I am a bit shy but I don't see how that makes me weird.

    Some people just think I just been running into fickle girls but I am a bit surprised since all the girls I've tried to get them to notice me seem to go under this "fickle" category.

    I just wish I could have hope for the better.

    Why are you worrying now about becoming an old geezer without any dates? Your 20, your YOUNG.

    So don't feel bad if you haven't had a date. One of my friends has only gone out on one date and she's almost 18, but she doesn't stress about it.

    don't worry, maybe if you go on a mission it might attract more girls (if you haven't already) :P

    I may not see the whole story, but i don't think your weird so no worries lol

    There's lots of girls that like shy guys.

    about the girl and the fickle advice is to sit down and write down a list of all the girls you like and their traits, GOOD AND BAD

    if you can see a pattern in the bad category then it might be time to look for some other types of girls.

    maybe different social class or something, whatever it may be.

    Work on yourself first and be the person you would want to marry. Become a honorable young man.

  6. ouch, why so mean?

    if you want me to give you more sources then i can....I just put that one up because it had alot of the details in the bill.

    I believe the bill is wrong, and should be repealed.

    I'm sorry i try to find the truth in everything even if it's not something i want to hear okay?

    I research and try to find the truth, not lies just because it's easier for me etc.

  7. I feel it's absolutely necessary to read scriptures before I go to school and after.

    I think that since people are swearing all around me, it's best to limit or get rid of anything that might swear at hom (ex. music, t.v., computer, books) because once the words are repeated over and over again at school and then supported at home it becomes more likely that you'll start to think of those words and then say them.

    Just get some good friends that respect your standards even if their not LDS because sometimes the people that are LDS can be rude, just depends on the person.

    I think that building up a wall to barricade all of the temptation and bad stuff is a good idea to do before you go to school. (as in build up faith, obedience, and your reason why you won't say this or that)

    What i also do is get lots of friends from different clicks and be friends with them,

    so if one group is having some drama, i can go hang out with another.


    I can hang out with the people that like sports to play sports with them but i don't hang out with them afterward because they watch bad movies

    so i hang out with the "nerds" (no offense) afterwards to go read books or play World of Warcraftt

    So i have lots of friends in different places, so that if i know that there seems to be a problem it's not the end of the world because i have other friends i can hang with.

  8. You're wise beyond your years.

    why thank you lol i get that a lot

    I actually had to look up information about "Obamacare" for a research paper I'm writing.

    i found some interesting details inside the bill

    (the bill will come into practice in 2014) in 4 years, and hopefully we can get out all of the scumbags in congress next election and replace them with good people, so we can get this bill repealed

    details in the bill

    1. Private insurance will become illegal

    2. Your healthcare will be rationed

    3. Any individual that doesn't have acceptable health care (according to the government) will be taxed 2.5% of income

    4. Government will restrict enrollment of Special Needs individuals

    5. Government mandates program that orders end-of-life treatment; government dictates how your life ends

    6. Government will design & implement Home Visitation Program for families with kids & families expecting kids

    there's alot more in the bill but here are some of the powers it gives government

    you can see more at

    More Details on ObamaCare: The Horrifying Truth Is in the Bill

    it's amazing how much crap is in this bill.

  9. Well some people just don't like political stuff, and alot don't want to deal with the situation/problems that are arising in our government.

    I love to go to tea parties and it was fun to go to them too, i just think maybe alot of people just don't care cause they are ignorant of what's going on.

    "if it doesn't effect me then i don't care"

    that's what alot of my friends say

    but it does affect them in lots of ways they didn't even know.

  10. ... and how would those bones become space dust, float through the universe and then coalesce into this planet - surviving the uber-extreme heat and pressure that were part of the process, lying down into specific and orderly strata?

    God can do anything.

    But Adam and Eve were the first people on earth. period.

    i guess we can figure out why there are a bunch of bones that look somewhat human in the next life.

  11. I usually don't exercise on Sunday other than walks, but sometimes i need to because of some conditions that require that i do some form of exercise so i can get through the night and sleep.

    It makes me feel bad, but i try not to beat myself up about it because it's really necessary.

  12. Just start with 5-10 minutes a day and work up to reading 5-10 minutes each morning and each night.

    then improve from there.

    Add in other books and readings when you thing you've got a habit of reading your scriptures first.

    (it takes about 21 day or something to create a habit)

    so good luck!

  13. I believe that most LDS are conservative.

    (of course you can still have your own political views and be respectful of other people's.)

    but i believe that since our country is governed by

    the Constitution , and created by God,

    i should follow christ even in a political sense, if you get what i mean.

    I believe that Christ was a conservative basically.

  14. What prophets prophesy is scripture, what they receive is revelation. Even back in the day when Moses was prophet, they didn't write down every single little revelation.

    New Era, Ensign, The Friend, and the Liahona are all scriptural, they're all revelation.