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Everything posted by phantom_heart

  1. Being Canadian is...nice. Thats what we are...nice. Too nice. Its the I agree that people just need to let the past go. I see no difference in anyone. Black, white, brown, pink with purple poka dots. We are all the same. God loves each and every one of us. Thats what matters. I sit Indian style because thats how i was taught. I will never sing Oh Canada without singing "God keep our land Glorious and free" in it. By the way the term PC should be changed because it may offend the politicians...but they wish to be called Government People. LOL:P
  2. Didnt Jesus turn water into wine? Anyways yes i am looking for another job. It makes me feel a tiny bit better knowing that half the wine i sell has a very low AC. Its not 4o% or anything. I still dont feel good about it so i am activly looking. OH btw my husband got an interview i'm praying really hard he gets this job if he does it could mean big things for us. We just also found out that they called one of his referances at least so that means they are interested right?
  3. Sorry its taken so long to get back to everyone. Thank you for your kind words and some sad tuching storys. Its nice to know we are not alone. We took 500 of that money and are "blowing it" on whatever we want to do. We have put the 2000 into a savings account and we are going to start saving 100 from every pay check. So we are going to make that money grow. As for his sister? She's a little younger still technically a minor but not for long. She doesnt really care. Its sad to see that but she doesnt. She's got lots of money now and the person she's saying with doesnt care what she does with it so i dont know whats going to happen there.
  4. Last month my husbands mum died. She sufferd from a brain tumour. My hubby is 20 and has problems of his own but anyway. His mum and him were at odds for a good year. BUT we already set stuff in motion to get them talking again. When she got sick both myself and my husbands relationship with her changed. Everyone was happy she liked me i liked her. She forgave my husband or so i thought. Yesterday we got told there is going to be no reading of the will because she has no assets. My husband can come and pick up a cheque for $2500. His sister however gets $100 000. She did this because she wrote her will when she was mad a nick. If his sister had died within 30 days of His mum, nick wouldn't have gotten anything. Her neibours kid would have gotten 100 000!! I am so upset for my husband. She was better off leaving him nothing than giving him a 2000 dolloars and stating among other things in the will that it was because he didnt finish college. My husband turned to me and said "Do you see why i couldnt cry at the funeral? this was my mum, this was how she treated me" It also states in her will that the 2000 is payment for money my hubby lent her awhile back. I'm trying to find good in this trying to turn it around but even the exsecutor or the will who was his mums close friend said "It was just one final jab at you, i was there when she wrote it and she wanted you to be hurt" I'm having a really hard time. I dont know what to tell my husband who has now just gone completely in to himself. He's so upset. Also i dont think he cares about the money but the hurt behind it. What do i do? Any advise that I can share with my hubby.
  5. Thank you for your kind words. I went back to chruch!! This past Sunday i couldnt sleep i was up at 7:30 (not normal for me) i decided i would go. It took a very long time to walk. An hour and some. It was hot but oh well. As most know i JUST moved to this big city but i wasnt scared. The welcoming i recived there was overwhelming. They even understood that I am not alowed to give up my address (rules of living where i am:() but still!! It was so diffrent from the branch in my old city. It was so BIG. I have a meeting with the biship next week!
  6. I dont like the taste anyway. So i've decided to just say no to tastings. AND it seems that no one can get full time really here its part time. So i'm going to keep it and work until i find something better. I just dont have many skills. I want to go back to college..but that involves money i have to work to get money LOL
  7. Wow what a relief!!! I dont like achol but its a great job (benefits and such) and its the only thing i've been offered. They asked me to taste the wine though. It was my frist day so i asked if i could spit it out. They said yes!! Thank the lord. They just wanted me to be able to describe the flavor (dry) I expressed that I would prefer to read up on the wines and what the quality control people say is the falvour lol. They seem to be just fine with that. So i feel much MUCH better now. And I didnt know that the church had employment nights thats just WONDERFUL. i think i'll check it out.
  8. I just got a new job. I am a non active member of the church at this moment but would like to be. BUT I have been in this town for over a month and tried and tried had interviews and more interiviews and couldnt get a job. ... Finaly i got one. Its at a wine store. How bad is it really? I'm not drinking it OR buying it. I expressed to them that I dont like wine. My boss said she didnt eather she just reads the discription of the taste and tells that to customers lol. It seems really interesting but by selling it i guess i'm helping. Though if it wasnt me selling it it would be someone else. How does this affect me. Let me know:s
  9. Welcome! I look forward to reading your posts!!!
  10. Thank you! I'm saying that a lot but its well deserved. I'm very new at the bible and the BoM i never know where to read and i always get really board with starting from the beginning and working my way through i fall asleep. I have to start somewhere interesting lol. I just never know where to look. I have a big smile on my face now!
  11. Thank you so much! That was very planly put but made me feel very good. I know i have a lot more praying to do. And yes dission making. This isnt going to be easy but i'm going to do what i can. I think its time i did a little something for myself insted of trying to make other people happy. Is there any uplifiting scripture from the bible or BoM or both that i could read? just something uplifting.
  12. First of all thank you for your advise. Being raised by my grandparents i was taught certin things. Number one was to always and no matter what stand by your husband. A failed marriage is the worst kind of sin in my family. Therefor I have been scared out of my mind. I am taking this as a failer on my part instead of his. I was raised that the only acceptable reason for divorce was if he was abusing me for unjust reasons. I was raised that a slap now and than is something a woman needs. Not something I believe now just giving an example of what my family thinks (try to remember i'm only 21 barely left my grandparents side so to speak) This is not something I've been built to handle. believe me i've tried to handle this...i even tried to see if i could handle him dressed like a woman. I couldn't even look at him. Not that i was laughing it just made me very uncomfortable. I guess i do have that feeling that "well mabye i can help him mabye there is something i can do" He stated to me last night that he knows he'll never be able to afford the surgery..but should that give me any amount of happiness? He's suffering and is so depressed. An interesting fact is that up until 1998 the sexual reasingment surgery was covered under Canada's OHIP (meaning it was a free surgery) Now its different but there is talk about getting it covered. if it is...well there will be no question he'll get it. its just so much on my plate.
  13. Thanks I found where it is. Now to see if i can walk there (i havent lived in this big city very long) lets hope i find it.:)
  14. Thanks I really am! I hope to make lots of good friends
  15. Thanks everyone for this advise i feel a bit better. Let me clerifiy something. If this was a frined of mine or anyone else i would be supportive i would be a know what i mean. Because as someone has said i dont share my bed with my friends. To me to each his own. If your gay thats between you and god, if your transgender thats between you and god. I'm certainty not going to stop you. As for my situation emotionally i dont know how to handle it. Do i want to be divorced at 21? No. How would i tell my family? They are not in the church and there very old fassoned anyway. How do i get over the shame of being divorced. I'll be used meat and who wants that? To be honest since this has happened its been about 3 months. I feel like my life has stopped and i only a shell. BTW can anyone help me find who the bishop is in my city? As i said before my husbands family has asked that i NOT give out this address so i cant log onto the LDS website. Please let me know as i think i should meet with him about this so that i cant start living for me again.
  16. Thank you thats very uplifitng. Your right it would have been nice to know. As i've said no we are no sealed....but isnt there something in the bible stop me if i'm wrong but that says a woman may only divorce her husband AND remarry in the eyes of the lord if he commits abuse or adultry...witch he did online but i dont know if that counts >.< darn it i'm so confused. I'm wondering how to get in contact with the local branch here. Its just that i'm living with my in laws and they kindly asked that we do NOT give out there address to the church. (its a rule for living here) so gah this is complicated. Once i have my own place again this would be simple.
  17. IF it comes to that where does it leave me? Arnt I not alowed to get married again? This is what i mean I dont want his sin to affect me and my standing with god. I also wish i could help him he's just so resistant. He will NOT go see ANYONE not a counceller and certanlly not through the church i can see an argument there. I'm just so scared for him and for myself. I'm not happy in my marriage and i'm shamed to admit that. I'm trying. Its just not something i know how to handel.
  18. No he surprisingly doesnt like cutzy stuff. Its just not who he is but emotionally he's very female. Everyone thought he was gay when they first met him I've asked him many times if he is confused he said no i know what i want. Its very upsetting. No i dont have kids, no we were not sealed in the temple i have never gone thought i would love to. Yes his mother didnt treat him the best, and yes when his sister was born she was treated better but he's the older one so i dont know. I just moved to a new city and have never been to the church here. I dont know how it works. When i was in the church (in my home town) i relied heavily on the missionary's for guidance and help. They always came over once or twise a week to be with me (the sister missionary's) but because of my past when the last sister missionary's left and i herd elders were coming i closed myself off.
  19. I'm going to discuss this with him....but what about my standing with god. I cant control my husband if he wants to do this he's going to do it. Where does that leave me? I want to come back to the chruch but i'm scared, scared because he's suposed to be a member but doesnt want to be one and i do. I've never been to the temple and i'd love to go. But would what he's doing hold me back? I'm willing to pay tithing and follow the Wow....all it comes down to is how does his sin affect me now that i'm his wife. (We are not sealed in the temple as i just said i've never been befor)
  20. Hi all, I already posted in the intro thred but i'll just say my name is Erica and i'm canadian ...I do however have some BIG questions and i ask that no one discriminate but answer honestly because i'm just looking for help. I have just moved and haven't started going back to church yet but i plan to. *takes a deep breath* First of all my husband had an online affair. We are a young couple. I am 21 (soon to be 22 on july 12th) and he is 20. He didnt tell me i found out. They never met in person but there were the "i love you's and things like that" So that was bad enough. but THAN i relised he is pretending to be a this makes this online relationship a lesbian one. We had our fights about it yelling me crying things like that. He dropped the bomb "Erica I'm trans gender" Than he left for a few hours and told me to look it up. I did. Basicly for those who dont know what it means its not a cross dresser. He feels that he should have been born a woman. He has felt this way since he was just a little boy. His dream is to wake up and be a woman. He wants to save up 150 000 for sexual reassignment surgery. >.< I dont know what to do! I am caught between commandments arnt i? If i leave my marrage thats looks bad in God's eyes if i stay than i'm...a lesbian? (i'm not by the way) I dont know what to do. I've prayed about this and its not like there is a wide viraity of info on this. The bible is clear with homosexuality i know that but he still loves me. Wants to be with me. He just wants to be a woman because he feels like he is one on the inside. Could this be a trail that god has given him? Some advise would be great. The betrayal of the online relationship was bad enough but this i just dont know how to handle it.
  21. Hi everyone! My name is Erica. I was baptized into the church about a year ago. Unfortunately though some things have kept me away. I have felt the spirit working in me and recently got in contact with one of my best friends and my "fav" sister missionary online. I feel that i must find my way back. I never stopped believing I just didn't do anything about it. I am also trying to rekindle my husbands interest. He was baptized as well but he has completely walked away from religion in general. So i hope now that I have found a great community online I can start to get myself back on the good path. I live in Canada and i love it. I love reading and writing and all that stuff...umm I have blue eyes? lol I'm never sure what to say HI! lol I hope to make a lot of friends. Erica:p