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Everything posted by Ayin

  1. Because if Adam and Eve didnt dispbey him we could not have a mortal body or knowledge to be able to be with him again. If they didnt disobey we wouldnt be here we wouldnt be able to have children and there was no death . They were not mortal until they ate of the fruit The prophet Lehi also explained If Adam and Eve didnt eat the fruit they would have remained in the Garden of Eden and everything would stay the same. God knew that this must take place. so we would know joy happiness sadness ect We wouldnt have know the difference. Sorry was a bit slow typing and it has been answered for you The Gospel Principles book explains this also.
  2. they say time heals all wounds and It does. As for your relationship only you can decide what you want to do. Is his work steady or is he takening it while he can? There are many questions to ask him and yourself. relationships are not easy and have to work towards a good one. I dont know all of what is going on with you and him, I would say pray for guidence. Are you more upset because he is working more or you havent seen him as often as you use to times do change but doesnt mean feelings he has for you have changed. Ask him questions but dont bombared him with them all. I hope things work out for you how they should
  3. I am in the USA and kids here are given the choice on spirit week and such to wear pjs and many schools allow kids to wear Pj pants to school normal days but not all the time. As a parent you have a right to be uspet about what happen and it is your right to voice your opinion. If you feel it is not proper but your daughter wearing comfortable outfit she should not have been singled out and the teacher and head master in my opinion owes you both an apology. There are some things that do happen in schools that I dont think are right and when that happens i let it be known. We have to stand up for what is right and because of how we see things doesnt mean we are wrong. Did they ever think your daughter might not have ben comfortable in her PJ in public? And as someone pointed out what was there view of PJ. they could have opened themselves up for even a bigger problem if something would have happen to one of the girls for wearing skimpy PJs I would go above the Headmaster in this manner.
  4. This is so true it isnt even funny.
  5. I am shocked that a child of that age would be even thinking of sex. But I have also seen this happening more often. and it is being acceptable for many. I dont know exactly what has cause such a climb in teen births and younger ages but it is very heart wreching to say the lest. I do to a point blame media for some of this along with children not having the proper role models and knowledge of what being a parent entails. There are movies our about pregant teens called Juno there is a show on ABC about a pregant teenager. the media has made many things seem glamourous and acceptable and easy . Which they are not at all. the sitcoms the talk shows all of it is becoming just and everyday thing to so many. There was a pregancy pack of girls from the same school all made a pack to become pregant. I dont know if this is true or not and this is my opinion but they schools have taken out Home Ec from the school and I think that it has cause alot of trouble not only with girl and boys have children while still children but with the economy and health of many families. Many dont know how to cook a good meal from scratch so they buy fast food or conveince food . many dont know how to manage their time or how to do with what they have . Which in turn both parents end up having to work to pay for their wants not their needs and the children are raising themselve. Children atleast around where I live many dont baby sit anymore they dont know how much work it takes for a baby unless they have younger siblings and that still barly touches the surface of what goes in to raising a child. I am in no way saying if both parents work it is a bad thing some have to and I understand that. As I said this is just my opinion and how I see things .
  6. Ayin

    Not Easy

    Sakuragirl I understand what heartship you are going threw right now and they are right you need to talk to the bishop as soon as you can. I had been dealing with some things that happen here in my home and I waited and waited to talk to the bishop because of being a new member to the church. But I finally spoke to him and other members and they were able to help me such a blessing. When we dont allow others to help us we end up denying blessings for them as well as for ourself. Please contact him as soon as you can. Pray to our Heavenly Father he knows our needs.