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  1. I am sure that I will get into trouble for saying this but the "whore of all the earth" is believed by many to be the Catholic Church specifically. In the LDS Church we don't believe that it is that simple. We believe that the "whore of all the earth/Church of the devil" is any organization that seeks to lead people away from Christ. Technically by this definition even members of Christs true Church can actually be members of the Church of the devil if they are leading people away from Christ. Like those idiot Return Missionaries who are posing for the topless missionary calendar. They are trying to merge Zion and Babylon together and history and the scriptures make it clear that when you attempt to mix Zion with Babylon you end up with only Babylon, hence the scriptures saying that "Zion is fled" Elder Bruce R. McConkie who was the Apostle that wrote Mormon Doctrine, said in the first edition of that volume that the "church of the devil" was specifically the Catholic Church. The Prophet and the other Apostles told him that he couldn't single out another religion like that because it will lead to contention and make it difficult to build relationships with other people. However if you look at the scriptural descriptions of the "whore of all the earth/Church of the devil" they tend to describe the Catholic Church who have taken on most of the trappings of the ancient Babylonian religion. This is not to say that the Catholocs are in any way bad people. I myself have many friends who are Catholics, some devout and some not and they are all great people. The problem is that if you look at the history of the Catholic Church it has engaged in a lot more than simple proselytizing. They have subjugated kingdoms and republics, tortured and murdered, They practically invented the modern intelligence network. Not the least of these horrors was the Inquisition. Certainly other religions have committed the same crimes as the Catholics but the Catholics just seem to be more masterful at it, so they have gotten most of the prophetic spotlight when it comes to the "whore of all the earth/Church of the devil". I would specifically point the finger at the Jesuit Society which is a military order of priests within the Catholic Church which is apparently sworn by oath to bring the whole world under the subjugation of the Pope. The Jesuits are truly the masters of intelligence and espionage. When Hitler gave the job of setting up the NAZI SS to Himmler he said "In Himmler I have my own Ignatius de Loyola" Ignatius de Loyola was the founder of the society of the Jesuits. Himmler then modeled the SS on the Jesuits and after WWII thanks to Operation Paperclip our CIA was modeled on the SS. During the 1800's the Jesuits were kicked out of most of the nations of Europe because they had been working political intrigues behind the scenes. In fact the dislike of the Jesuits by Europe was so intense that the Pope had to officially condemn the Jesuits. When he did this he acknowledge verbally that he was signing his own death warrant, and that losing the Jesuits was like cutting off his own right hand because they were so useful. If I recall correctly he was dead within a year of signing the order to disband the Jesuits. They went underground in Europe for a few decades then they came back into prominence and began setting up schools in all the nations so that they could control the education of the children of these nations. Here in America we have several Jesuit schools where they supposedly are able to manipulate the students into their line of thinking. I say supposedly because I try to look at these things with a grain of salt always, but there are just way too many historical acts of willful contention to dismiss the claims against the Jesuits. They are a hardcore bunch. So when we speak of the "whore of all the earth/Church of the devil" Mormons are quick to not point the finger at anyone particularly to avoid contention, but that doesn't mean that no body out there fits the bill. We just don't want to become Anti-anybody because then doors/ears/minds/hearts close to us and we are unable to share the restored gospel with our individual brothers and sisters that might belong to an organization that we have pitted ourselves against. This is not Christs Doctrine, because the Savior has taught us to Love one another, even as he has loved us, and that the worth of souls is great, therefore we should not esteem someone as "children of the devil" or anything like that which will alienate people. Which is what happens when Anti Mormons try to protest Mormonism. They claim that they love us but they insult and make fun of our faith and claim that it is out of love so that they won't look like monsters. This is the same mentality that cause abusive men to tell their battered wives that they hurt them because the love them so much. Actually there are anti-Catholics (because of many of the reasons I stated above) and anti-Jehovah's Witnesses. Actually many of the same "Christian" groups that are anti-Mormon are also anti-anything else that doesn't fit into their mental image of what is right and wrong. I think they like to focus on us because they feel threatened by both our active proselytizing and our incredibly rapid growth.