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  1. Thanks everyone, for the advice. I think it may take some prayer and consideration before I decide what to do. After all, my ward may be deadbeats, but they are nice deadbeats. I won't set fire to them yet. Maybe a leeetle fire. My gosh, that explains it! Why in the world do I have to contribute to anything? I've been saved! Ha ha, see ya, off to go clubbing! So right. Which is why NCMO is popular at BYU!
  2. I think I've had it. I go to a singles ward in the Salt Lake valley, not a student ward, it mostly has older people who are into their careers and things. Well you wouldn't think it was this way with people in their mid-late twenties, but about 95% of the ward are flakes. Complete and total flakes. Tell me if anyone "gets" this. --I make a visiting teaching appointment, and both my companion and the visiting teachee flake out--they have other things to do. --For the past 5 months I've done visiting teaching alone and haven't even gotten to know my new comp, because she won't answer her phone or email. I can't find her apartment, because she gave the ward the wrong address. --When it's time to clean the church building, you can always count on the SFP...the same five people. I've gotten really good at washing windows. C'mon, people, 10:00 is not that early! --RS Enrichment only about 5-10 people come. Last Enrichment not even the RS president came. --The Activities committee has not had their monthly activity for the past 4 months. They announce it...and then cancel it due to lack of planning. Nice. --The Fellowshipping chair calls and reminds people, including her own committee, to bring food they signed up for for the munch and mingle, and--suprise!--they don't. They do expect to still eat the food, though. Nice, huh? The last time this happened the munch and mingle turned out to be a disaster, and the bishopbric gave the fellowshipping chair a talking-to. She hasn't come to church since. Surprise. --The committee I helm (FHE) and my co-chair are often given extra assignments in the ward, such as passing out flyers, ward reps for the region, taking over for the Activities committee, and hurry-quick please do this to cover for the deadbeats, because we're the few people in the ward who actually follow through on stuff. --I, and most of the other people in the ward, haven't been home-taught for over a year. I don't even recognize the names of my home teachers though I am pretty familiar with most people in the ward. Nice, huh? All right, enough whining. That was a lot of whining. Sorry. But you get the point. My ward is DEADBEAT! I keep thinking if I have a positive attitude and just work at being the best ward leader there is, work hard and plan hard, then at least I won't get my eyeballs sucked out at the second coming. But yesterday was the last straw. I passed around a sign-up sheet for an activity a week away, asking people for their email addresses if they were willing to share an anscestor story. I emphasized that it was important everyone participated because the success of the activity depended on them, and we were really looking forward to hearing everyone's cool stories. A total of 3 people signed up. The munch and mingle sign-up sheet (passed around by the RS pres, since the fellowshipping chair has quit the ward) was more of a success. They got 5 whole signatures. There were about 30 people in the RS room. You'd think that these same people who bore their testimony in tears every Fast Sunday had a strong enough testimony to bring a crummy bag of cookies to a stupid munch and mingle!!!! Well that's my vent. So here's my question: I want to move out of the ward, really, really bad and go to a family ward. For most of my single-adult life I have gone to a family ward and have loved it. BUT would I be as flakey as the people in my current ward if I left because my ward was flakey? I'm not a fan of quitting, but I honestly don't know if I can take this ward anymore. I once told the bishop I was moving out and he looked like he was going to cry. I'm not sure what to do.