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Posts posted by YoungMormonRoyalist

  1. It's interesting how we are told to bless the 'sick and the afflicted'. Notice how they separate the word sick and the word afflicted?

    We all know what sick means.

    But here's the definition of afflicted:

    To inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on

    Some of its synonyms include:

    disturbed, agnoized, frigtened.

    So if you are feeling then this way...well you have it right from the scriptures. Recieve a blessing, know that it comes from a loving Father, one that cares deeply for his son.

  2. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)

    2. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (97%)

    3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (93%)

    4. Baha'i Faith (91%)

    5. Eastern Orthodox (91%)

    6. Roman Catholic (91%)

    7. Orthodox Judaism (88%)

    8. Jehovah's Witness (86%)

    9. Orthodox Quaker (81%)

    10. Seventh Day Adventist (81%)

    11. Islam (72%)

    12. Hinduism (64%)

    13. Jainism (64%)

    14. Liberal Quakers (62%)

    15. Sikhism (58%)

    16. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (58%)

    17. Reform Judaism (58%)

    18. Unitarian Universalism (55%)

    19. Mahayana Buddhism (47%)

    20. Neo-Pagan (46%)

    21. Theravada Buddhism (38%)

    22. New Thought (36%)

    23. New Age (31%)

    24. Scientology (24%)

    25. Nontheist (23%)

    26. Secular Humanism (20%)

    27. Taoism (19%)

  3. The talk went off without a it was really really good....

    I turned and my dad was crying (He's FC in the bishopric) and the Bishop told me to take it with me on my mission.

    The elders approached me about giving them a copy because an investigator asked for one, and a new couple to the ward thought I was an RM.

    I used all of your references, from the mighty change of heart, to the story of Zacchaeus.

    Did I feel the spirit? Most definitely

    Do I feel some pride? Okay sorta...

    But thank you all.

  4. Or, perhaps there are not that many 29 year-old single guys that match her "mental mold" and she outgrew the pool of her contemporaries and now placed herself out of the race, so to speak.

    She spent several years pursuing other interest, as you mentioned. She prioritize other activities ahead of marriage. Nothing wrong on that per se. But all action has a proportional impact or reaction. Remember Elder Eyring's talk on "Good, better and best..."?

    Just some thoughts

    She pursued other interest, but did not put them above marriage let me tell you that.

  5. No, my understanding is that Adam and Eve chose to forsake God and rebel against what He had commanded them not to do (partake of the fruit).

    Well, there is one verse that says in the latter days we will be "fooled by the sciences," I've read it once before and cannot find it again though.

    Perhaps, yes, but they all come from the Church? How can a church which has a mantra "perfect church, imperfect people" (which is kinda impossible, to my understanding - the church is the people) get so much wrong?

    The Church is not the people...the Church is Christ. We just happen to be members of his Church. In 3 Nephi he openly declares it is his Church, not the people's, not Moses', but his. It is perfect as he is.

  6. It's just like the First-Counciller in the Stake Presidency.

    His daughter is 29. She's an RM, funny, athelitc, fetchin beautiful. She's worked with Doctors Without Borders in places like India, parts of Asia and Latin America. However, she's single...and when I first saw her I just thought "Why?"

    I think a lot of men are intimidated by someone that's true about what Ben said that a lot (Maybe not even most) of young guys are looking for the right out of high school girly girl.


    Do yah know that Asoka, one of the first Indian kings to convert to Buddhism issued a proclamation in the area of modern day Kandahar that was printed in Greek and Indian?!??!?!?!? At the time a Greek kingdom had broken away from Seleucid Empire (If any of you know of Antiochus Epiphanes he was the one who persecuted the Jews to the point where they rebelled and formed the Macabee dyansty) and formed their own Greco-Indian kingdom on what is modern day Afghanistan?

  8. what are the (lds) church's teachings on the buddha? if any....

    How Mormons Are Buddhists & Vice Versa at Mormon Matters

    This is a good page.

    A general authority (Maybe even a prophet...I can't remember) talked of how there have been inspired men in all times and all places in history. God didn't just shine his truth on one particular place at one particular time, but inspired all men to do and to teach goodness. Buddha is mentioned as being one of these, and while we may not hold him in the same regard as a prophet, none can deny that he was truly inspired to bring forth teaches which help bring men to goodness.

  9. Friends don't become friends with best friends ex or soon to be ex. It is the guy code. If you become good friends with best friends ex you soon will not have best friend.

    This is the guy code.

    Ben Raines

    Her and I were good friends long before all of this happened. And no...don't like her in that way. Initially this started out as me trying to sort things out things out between them. Trying to love them both as my brother and sister, and children of God.

    Yah, I crossed the line when I told her that...but honestly if I said 'I'm not going to get involved" at that moment it would've just confirmed anything. As to his repentence, no doubts on my end that he hed. When I say I can understand why she would....well she found out from her parents...and then thing he had to repent of was serious. I'm not going to judge one way or the other, but I can see both points of view from them: One saying he's repented, the girl thinking the matter is still serious. This was me trying to understand them both, and....I think when you truly understand someone it's hard not to love them, and though I myself cannot say whether or not I truly understand either but I know I do love both.

    As for those telling me not to get involved, I made that choice several months ago. Telling both of them I'm not talking about their relationship problems when I'm with either. I've regulated myself to praying for both of them.

    Thanks for the advice at all.

  10. Okay, this is not just a blow of steam thread. I need some help and prayers on this people.

    My best friend and I grew up together loving and doing everything together. We fooled around in school, fooled around in Church, and fooled around in everything really. We shared the deepest moments, and our birthday's are only a couple days apart.

    He does have some spiritual and emotional issues, but overall he's far stronger and amazing for the rest of his family. His one brother commited suicide, the other is a dad already, his sister only recently started showing signs of living a better life. His younger brother is going down the 'wrong path' and his mom is single and stressed to the max.

    Anyways, I was really good friends with this girl which he had some history, they almost got back together when she found out something horrible that he had done in the past, but had repented for. Now, he had repented but I can't blame her for calling the thing off...

    He and I had a good talk but part way through he got really upset and called her some less than reputable things. When her and I talked again she asked me if he had ever called her anything...what was I to do, lie to her? They got in several arguements later in which they brought this up...and things got worse...

    Her and I are still good friends...amazing friends really...but it's gottent to the point where my friend thinks I'm trying to steal her away. He says he doesn't remember saying the things he did, and I can understand why as people say some stupid things when upset. He says I'm the reason for the break up and the fights...

    I've been praying for them both constantly for the past four months...but I don't think he'll ever forgive me.

    This is complicated by the fact that he may be moving in with me...I'll tell you all more later.

    So what should I do? Say?

  11. I always liked 'God Rest ye Marry Gentlemen.' Maybe it's cus our particular area has a lot of quasi-Scottish/Northern English culture to it, and I was raised around my Scottish grandma (To the point where I still retain a slight scottish inflection...)...but it always reminds me of something like Oliver Twist.