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  1. The drug has no known therapeutic benefit for autism: it is used as a chemical restraint to disable children and control their behavior. J & J acknowledged: “The anti-psychotic drug is not a cure for autism, nor does it treat the condition itself.” But Dr. Steven Galson, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), told The Los Angeles Times: "This approval should benefit many autistic children as well as their parents and other caregivers." ================================================================== rosy Utah Drug Addiction
  2. I received the bag today. i must say i am very disappointed. i have sold many handbags and would never dream of stuffing an expensive, or even an inexpensive bag into a shirt box. i really didn't care if i got it over night or in a week. you also stated in the listing that the receipt would accompany the bag- not a copy! which also indicated you were not the original buyer of the bag.the corners look slightly scuffed. i am not sure weather it was used a few times or just got scuffed as a result of being jammed in a too small box. i am a handbag junkie so i am very familiar with original designer paperwork and receipts, and even the slightest signs of wear. i will wait for your response to see how you propose we can rectify this situation. ================================================================== rosy Utah Drug Addiction