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Everything posted by J-RO

  1. My little boy is 14 months old and is driving me CRAZY right now. He seems to be very hard headed lately. It also doesn't help that he is HUGE- he's probably half my height and nearly 30 lbs. I have a horrible time with him in church- He just WON'T sit still, and I spend the whole meeting in the hall. But I'm so conflicted about this! While I don't want to enforce his behavior by taking him out all the time, I also don't want to disrupt the meeting as he doesn't have a "mute" button. He is also currently in that squealing/screaming phase. He's also starting to throw fits and use his weight to pull on things that he wants- And he's TOUGH! So, in short: 1. Any tips/tricks to getting him to sit still at such an age during sacrament meeting? He's been seeming pretty wired during church lately... 2. Any tips/tricks to dealing with tantrums/screaming at this age?