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  1. Thank you so much for the advice richlittlell. I will definitely try some of those things...
  2. Misshalfway, thank you so much for your post. That really helped me feel better while reading that, as I just feel so horrible for what I've gotten myself into. Again, thanks so much! And any other help is EXTREMELY appreciated.
  3. Is this a serious enough sin that I shouldn't be taking the sacrament? And thanks guys, for your advice...I REALLY appreciate it...
  4. Well, to get right to the point, I am having kind of a problem. This is kind of embarrassing for me to talk about, but it's with masturbation. I have been doing it for a couple years or so (and I'm only about 16 years old), usually multiple times a day. I feel horrible when I think about it...but I am stopping now. This is how I'm doing it...I am limited myself to once per day, and now its once every other day. Then it will be once every week, and I will just kind of let it die out, so I don't think about it anymore. Anyways, the real reason for this post, is I was wondering if this is serious enough that I should go see the bishop. I'm stopping, and repenting, because I am just so stupid for doing it in the first place. So do I need to go and see the bishop about this? Or can it just be a personal repentance? Any advice is REALLY appreciated. Thanks everyone.