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  1. hmm-I find the not coming into contact with dead bodies thing odd. What aboutthose who work in funeral homes etc? I work in a nursing home...and often contact dead bodies???
  2. Hi Lindy, I cant honestly say that I miss the people. The looks , the isolation. I went to a family ward......the YSA was just too far of a drive. I never really fit in and always felt like a moron. I didnt have home teachers - or if I did I have no idea who they were, same for visiting teachers. I would get so discouraged -for example at the teaching would say "and every remembers the story of so n so and what happend".....and I would have no idea what theyre talking about. For whatever reason they decided I should teach the gospal principals class....Id teach one week the missionaries would teach the next. ....its funny. Even the mission president at the time gave me two huge boxes of books on teaching at my baptism. Im not terribly sure what I miss - no real words for that...just lots for what I dont miss. Hopefully some of that will make sense.
  3. I find websites like those odd. I vaguely recall an institute class about choosing a partner....and observing a person. What "rules" do they choose to go by? Do they have multiple that dress a little short etc.So they consider one indiscretion not near as bad as another. Anything we have been warned about we ought to heed to, There was also discussion over a talk given warning against online dating.....yet there are websites designed for LDS dating! So silly to me....not that can set any sort of example...just a thought that stuck with me.
  4. I stumbled across this site tonight....thought I would join and try to meet some new people to talk to. I was baptized back in 04 by a wonderful missionary....still talk sometimes too. I entered the church a bit friends or family with me. After a calling and classes and things going fine I gradually went to meetings less and less. We all have our reasons for leaving the church - but I miss it now and then. Just hoping to find someone to chat to - a tangible conversation I suppose. I often think of going back but feel awkward about it.