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Posts posted by deseretgov

  1. Please know that if I ask further questions, my intent is not to argue. I really want to understand. Thanks for bearing with me.

    No problem.

    You said: "We believe He will come againt first to a gathering of leaders in Adam-ondi-Ahman."

    I know that Mormons use both the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

    The scripture I mentioned in I Thessalonians 4 does not say anything about Christ returning to a gathering of leaders in Adam-ondi-Ahman. Could you please show me the verses in the Book of Mormon that you use alongside I Thessalonians 4 to show this?

    Sorry I can't find more scriptural information. I believe most information about this conference at Adam-oni-Ahman comes from the words of prophets and apostles rather than canonized scripture. But I'm not sure. There could be some.

    Here's a couple quotes I found online:

    "There will be a great gathering in the Valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman." Joseph Fielding Smith, Jr., Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 3, p. 13.

    Before the Lord Jesus descends openly and publicly in the clouds of glory, attended by all the hosts of heaven; before the great and dreadful day of the Lord sends terror and destruction from one end of the earth to the other; before he stands on Mount Zion, or sets his feet on Olivet, or utters his voice from an American Zion or a Jewish Jerusalem; before all flesh shall see him together; before any of his appearances, which taken together comprise the second coming of the Son of God -- before all these, there is to be a secret appearance to selected members of his Church. He will come in private to his prophet and to the apostles then living. Bruce R. McConkie, The Millennial Messiah, pp. 578-579.

    If you don't know much about Adm-ondi-Ahman we believe it is the place where Adam dwelt after being cast out of the Garden of Eden. The conference at this location will be where Adam and all the ancient prophets will gather. The Keys of the Priesthood will be given from the current living prophet back through the ancient prophets to Adam and Adam will be give them to Christ. I'm guessing that this may mean that a living prophet will no longer be needed because Christ will now reign personally on the earth.

    Sorry I don't have any more references I'm sure other posters will have more.

    My understanding of the Bible is that His church is caught up to meet Christ in the air:

    "For The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the archangel's call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first; then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet The Lord in the air." (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

    I don't think many LDS believe that we will literally lift up into the sky and meet Christ.

    Yes, my understanding is also that Christ comes again and sets his foot on the Mount of Olives. My understanding is that this occurs after His earlier coming for His church and later he returns to the Mt. of Olives. All the holy ones (His church) will be with Him on that day.

    I'm not sure where all this happens in relation to the ressurection and things like that.

  2. 1. We have to accept Joseph Smith as a prophet in order to return to God, given as he says all of the controversy surrounding him.

    Controversy is irrelevant to hid prophetic calling. The amount of controversy around a person does not determine the truthfulness of their prophetic calling. Joseph Smith was an imperfect man. Even the prophets of the Bible were imperfect men. We shouldn't really conncern ourselves with the problems chosen men have rather we should focus onovercoming our own imperfections.

    2. Why there are so many hurdles in order to return to God. Temple ordinances, etc.

    The purpose of this gospel is to take imperfect sinful people and process them into more perfect(eventually completely perfect) people. No unclean thing can enter into God's presence. So we must use the gospel and love of Christ to become clean. Ordinances can serve as landmarks. They let us know that we are on the right track. If we are worthy toenter the temple then we know that we are closer to being worthy to enter God's presence.

    3. Why we accept the Temple ordinances as having come from God and ignoring the obvious connection to Masonry.

    Who said the connection to Masonry is bad? Must they both contradict each other. Couldn't God have used a modified Masonry ceremony as a tool to further His work. After all God uses imperfect men as His tools.

    4. Why we have to pay tithes in order to go to heaven.

    It is a sacrifice. We must be willing to sacrifice those things we have. Eventually we must give all the we posses to the church and they will give us back what we need in the united Order. The key is to understand that nothingthat we possess is really ours. Everything belongs to God. We are just permitted to use them temporarily.

    5. Why we have to overlook things that seem so obviously wrong with the Book of Mormon.

    I'm guessing this means anachronisms and things. We dont know everything. If we think we are at the point that we know everything we should just stop all research. Why reject the Bookof Mormon because of a few things we don't understand? Eventually we will have the knowledge and understand it. It's not as if the Bible has any fewer problems.

    6. Why other Christian faiths are so much more accepting and there members seem very happy and certain of there eternal destiny.

    Being accepting and happy is not something that a church provides. Being accepting and happy is a personal choice regardless of religion.

    7. Why does he need to see a Bishop or SP, which are just men in order to be free from his transgressions.

    Those men are the people set in administration over certain areas. They too are imperfect and they should be because God has only imperfect tools to use. Christ has set these menin their places and if we reject them then we reject Christ.

    8. Why so many people cannot believe what the LDS church is offering.

    Not everyone is identical. People have different understandings, experiences, beliefs, etc. The LDS church is not the perfect solution for everyone.

    9. Why the rest of the Christian world is absolutely certain that the LDS church is wrong.

    You can't expect them to accept it as correct. If they did then they would be admitting they are wrong. If you think you are right about something would you support something that would show that you are wrong?

    10. How we can ignore all derogatory evidence regarding the Book of Abraham.

    What derogatory evidence?

    11. Why so few people alive today will accept the Gospel according to the LDS, much less live it. He referenced how few truly active and faithful members are in the church.

    Most people prefer to live the way the feels good. They prefer the easy way out. There is a percentage, about 80% to 20%. 80% of people usually will do lest or just barely what it takes. Only 20% will go above and beyond and do what it truely takes. This applies not only to the gospel but to everything. Most of us just want to skate by and have fun. The number of people in a religion does not determine the truthfulness of that religion.

    12. Will those who die and then hear the Gospel in Spirit Prison have to also believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet and the Book of Mormon is true? If not, how is that fair?

    It depends onwhich generation they were born in. When christ went to the Spirit Prison and opened the gospel to them they didn't haveto accept the Book of Mormon. They didn't live in the times when Book of Mormon was scripture. Even the people who lived in the americas during Bookof Mormon times wont have to accept it. It wasn't their scriptures.

    But then again if a person accepts the gospel then they would be willing to accept any scriptures that are part of that gospel. It would be like having us accept the teachings of the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. We can't it hasn't been revealed yet. But when the time comes that it is revealed and we are truly followers of Christ then we would accept it.

    The Mormon church/doctrine/ is not the final destination of all mankind. Christ was/is not Mormon. Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc were/are not Mormon. It's not the Mormon church that people will be converting toin the Spirit World. They will be converting to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  3. An interesting thought I had. Could the Liahona also have served as a communications device. Say when Lehi's group arrived in th new world and encountered local tribes. Could the Liahona have displayed the translation of whatever a person in anothe language was saying? And then also translate what Lehi's party was saying.

  4. Now that would have been amazing to have the Temple Square Christmas lights after an endowment.

    After my endowment my dad treated everyone to dinner in the temple(Idaho Falls) cafeteria. I don't really remember what we did after that. I remember the ride home and thinking about what had happened.

    I just remember thinking that it was the thing I was looking for. Our church just seemed so dry and "regular/plain." I loved the ceremony and dare I say "cultish" aspect. Sorry for saying cultish I just couldn't think of a better word to describe it.

  5. Couldn't you just set up a webcam and go on Yahoo Messenger. Then log into a secondary yahoo account from work and access the primary account's webcam. You'd probably have to send an invite from the primary account to the secondary account. Then just turn the monitor of the computer off and nobody would know anything is running. You could also conceal the camera somehow.

    I don't think there is any lock that sends a message to your phone.

  6. I thought of something interesting on my drive to work this morning.

    2030 will mark 200 years from the organization of the Church, and 2,000 years from the time Christ started His ministry.

    April 6th, 2030 could be an interesting day, even if it's not "the" day.

    I already said that:

    Well I used the think it would be April 6, 2030. 2000 years since the beginning of Christ's ministry and 200 years since the founding of the Church. But then I found out the Christ was probably not born in the year 1. He was more likely born in the year 4BC. So I'm currently revising my theory.

  7. Well I'm still not sure of the situation but I'm going to make a comment based on my understanding of the situation. If my understanding of the situation is wrong then I apologize. One thing I cannot stand is a girl who sends out a missionary and then marries or intends to merry someone else while the missionary is out. I don't care if the Holy Spirit did tell you that some other guy "Is the One." It's just plain dishonorable! If you send that missionary out to the Philippines and you are still "together" Then you better be willing to commit to two years too. If you can't do that, then break up with him before he leaves. I guess the only thing worse than a girlfriend who leaves a guy while he is on his mission, is a return missionary who dates(or tries to date) a girl who has a missionary out.

    My friend and neighbor who also went to the Philippines had a girl friend. she waited for him to get home but in the end they broke up. But at least she had the decency to fulfill her commitment.

    But I'm just preaching to the choir here right? You're going to wait for your guy to get back from his mission before you go putting the moves on some other guy right? If there is anything that disrupts a missionary's ability to feel the spirit and teach it's a Dear John letter. It's preferable to not have a girlfriend when a guy goes out on a mission. But if a guy does have a girlfriend she needs to remain faithful and not worry him. Because if a missionary is to concerned over his girlfriend he can't focus on receiving the Spirit. And he will have trouble teaching. And if a missionary gets a Dear John letter sometime it can affect them for months. That's MONTHS of not having the Spirit. And when a missionary cannot teach by the Spirit, the Spirit cannot speak to those people being taught. And now the girl is part of the reason why the people in his area cannot feel the Spirit and receive the gospel.

  8. Are you kidding me? Santa has an army of the worlds best craftsman at his disposal. They will build a boat. Of course this mean limited supplies for toys and Christmas might be "lean" for a couple of years but they will manage.

    They could relocate to the south pole and use flying penguins. After all Santa used to be based the south pole but the reindeer in the north pole bribed him with candy canes and cheap elf labor! It's too bad we can't just stop all this north pole/south pole arguing and be one happy bi-polar family.

  9. Well I used the think it would be April 6, 2030. 2000 years since the beginning of Christ's ministry and 200 years since the founding of the Church. But then I found out the Christ was probably not born in the year 1. He was more likely born in the year 4BC. So I'm currently revising my theory.