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Posts posted by WindRiver

  1. In the pre-existence we were presented with 2 plans. Those of us who chose Christ' plan chose to have agency. Those who chose Christ have/had the opportunity to come to earth to gain a body. Satan's plan was to force everyone to do good.

    It wasn't a meeting for everyone to input their ideas for a plan to consider. Lucifer wasn't asked to present a plan....

    Technically there were not TWO plans. There was ONE Plan, Heavenly Father's plan. Jesus and Lucifer(perhaps others?) volunteered to take the job but Lucifer wanted to CHANGE The Plan and take away our agency, which of course is impossible since Agency is an eternal law, not something that can be given or taken away, only infringed.

    Messing with a PERFECT plan isn't really presenting an alternate plan, it was open rebellion, and thus the fact that Lucifer and his followers were cast out.

  2. I would say that the moral / spiritual abuse of having an innocent child being raised in such an amoral environment is just as horrible as physical abuse and could possibly be worse in an eternal perspective. The child is being taught Lucifer's perverted version of parents and family and the damage could have eternal consequences. The same would apply to non married "parents" of opposite gender.

  3. Margin of Error's quote is correct. Below is the entire section from on this.


    Consecration of Oil

    One or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders must consecrate olive oil before it is used to anoint the sick or afflicted. No other oil may be used. To do this, a priesthood holder:


    1. Holds an open container of olive oil.


    2. Addresses Heavenly Father.


    3. States that he is acting by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.


    4. Consecrates the oil (not the container) and sets it apart for anointing and blessing the sick and afflicted.


    5. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.


    • Have each Melchizedek Priesthood holder consecrate some olive oil for himself and for others in the class who may need some in their home.

    Only Melchizedek Priesthood holders may administer to the sick or afflicted. Administering to the sick has two parts: (1) anointing with oil and (2) sealing the anointing.

    The anointing is done by one Melchizedek Priesthood holder. He:

    Administering to the Sick

    1. Puts a small amount of consecrated oil on the person’s head.


    2. Places his hands lightly on the person’s head and calls the person by his or her full name.


    3. States that he is acting by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.


    4. States that he is anointing with consecrated oil.


    5. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Normally, two or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders place their hands lightly on the person’s head. The one who seals the anointing:


    1. Calls the person by his or her full name.


    2. States that he is acting by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.


    3. Seals the anointing.


    4. Gives a priesthood blessing as the Spirit directs.


    5. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.

    If a person requests more than one blessing for the same illness, the priesthood holder usually does not need to anoint with oil after the first blessing. Instead, he gives a blessing by the laying on of hands and the authority of the priesthood.

    ------------------------end quote

    Here is a link to the same info: - Aaronic Priesthood Chapter Detail - Performing Priesthood Ordinances

    I don't see any need to talk to the EQ pres or the Bishop unles you want to. About once a year we would consecrate oil in Elders Q. and provide small bottles to put some in for each Q member. You might ask your leaders to do that, but don't feel like you have to be supervised by one of your leaders when consecrating oil or annointing / blessing. This is something we can do totally on our own whenever we are moved by the spirit or when someone asks for a blessing.

    All the information you need is right there on the Church web site. Just follow the instructions and you are good to go. It isn't like a baptism where it must be performed exactly, word for word with witnesses and recorded in the church records. Just follow the main points as listed. Also if you want or need to give a blessing without oil that is fine too. Just don't do the anointing part of the blessing and don't "seal" the anointing (skip step 3 in the actual blessing section) when you give the blessing.

    Also if you cannot find another Melchizedek priesthood holder to help you you can do the consecrating of the oil, the anointing and the blessing yourself. Notice how it doesn't say it MUST be performed by two or more M. Priesthood holders it says "Normally, two or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders place their hands lightly on the person’s head." Don't forgo giving a blessing just because you can't find someone to help you, but if you can then it is best to involve at least one additional M. Priesthood holder.

    I would add that there is no need to consecrate an entire bottle of olive oil. A small medicine bottle that is clean with or without a dropper type top, or virtually any water tight container that would hold a few ounces of the oil works well. 2 or three ounces will last a LONG time since all you use is a small drop on the crown of the head each time you perform a blessing.

    I keep mine in the fridge and warm it up in a bowl of hot water when needed. It will last many years in the fridge. Replace it when it starts to smell significantly different than it did when you first opened it (gone rancid). There is no procedure required for throwing it out, just be respectful in how you handle it. I just pour it into a ziploc bag so it won't be leaking out of the trash bag and throw it in the trash or you can pour it down the drain. Mixing it with hot soapy water will make it less likely to congeal in the pipes during the winter. You can also keep it in the freezer where it will not go rancid for decades, but it would take a while to defrost, so some in the fridge, on your keychain or on the shelf plus a larger container in the freezer is another way to go.

    The keychain fobs that hold oil are also nice to have. That way you always have some with you. If you keep your keys in your pocket, the heat from your body will cause the oil to go rancid faster than if it is in the fridge or on a shelf so check it maybe twice a year and replace it if it starts to smell bad.

  4. It looks like this whole "Burn the Mormons" thing is catching on, sadly.

    So far this year

    Attempted Arson - torching of the LA Temple (the arsonist started a fire outside the temple when he was unable to get in, attempts at entry caught on camera)

    Successful arson of an LDS chapel in Washington

    LDS "youth" setting fire to their own building

    Successful arson - LDS chapel in Utah

    Marginally successful arson - LDS Chapel in Utah

    If the trend continues we will see 30 or more LDS buildings burned over the next year, possibly more.

  5. Based on the words from the Lord's anointed, it looks like the real reason for MOST divorces or MOST marriages remaining solvent is the following:

    I am, or my ex was, or both of us were - selfish (divorce)

    or I / we try to be less selfish (still married)

    Obviously there are lots of other reasons outside of these two but I agree with the brethren on the statements that most divorces are the result of selfishness on the part of one or both partners.

    Here are just a few from that talk about it. There were a bunch more that basically said the same thing over and over.....emphasis added

    Pres. Hinckley

    I have long felt that the greatest factor in a happy marriage is an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one’s companion. In most cases selfishness is the leading factor that causes argument, separation, divorce, and broken hearts. - Liahona Article - Loyalty

    Pres. Hinckley again

    Why all of these broken homes? What happens to marriages that begin with sincere love and a desire to be loyal and faithful and true one to another?

    There is no simple answer. I acknowledge that. But it appears to me that there are some obvious reasons that account for a very high percentage of these problems. I say this out of experience in dealing with such tragedies. I find selfishness to be the root cause of most of it.

    I am satisfied that a happy marriage is not so much a matter of romance as it is an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one’s companion. - Ensign Article - What God Hath Joined Together

    Elder Oaks

    Now I speak to married members, especially to any who may be considering divorce.

    I strongly urge you and those who advise you to face up to the reality that for most marriage problems, the remedy is not divorce but repentance. Often the cause is not incompatibility but selfishness. - Ensign Article - Divorce

    Elder Howard

    Far too many marriages today end in divorce. Selfishness, sin, and personal convenience often prevail over covenants and commitment. - Liahona Article - Eternal Marriage

    Elder Haight

    Middle-age divorce is particularly distressing, as it indicates that mature people, who are the backbone of our society, are not working carefully enough to preserve their marriages. Divorces granted to people over forty-five have increased at an alarming rate. When middle-aged people even consider breaking up their marriage—a couple who may have reared their children, who possibly have grandchildren—and now decide to go their separate ways, they need to realize that every divorce is the result of selfishness on the part of one or both. - Ensign Article - Marriage and Divorce

    Elder Burton

    Personal selfishness is the main reason for the present high divorce rate throughout the world. - Ensign Article - The Need for Love

  6. They wouldn't take it. The Church does not accept donations from "earnings" from gambling.

    Wingnut is 100% Correct. Gambling money regardless of where it comes from, lottery, slots or whatever, is considered ill gotten gain according to church doctrine. Not only should you not accept it from any source, if you end up with some you cannot even donate the entire proceeds to the church, nor can you pay tithing on it. If they know where it is coming from your bishop is supposed to refuse it.

    Just because a state chooses to LEGALIZE gambling for tax purposes it still isn't right. It is still tainted / ill gotten gain and we should not knowingly accept any money from anyone or any source if it came from gambling. In some cases we don't have much of a choice such as if the public schools are funded by gambling revenue, but if it is an optional thing like a scholarship or a gift from someone, and I knew it was from the lottery, I would in no way accept it.

    I find it pretty sad, though in this day and age not surprising, that so many states (all but Utah and Hawaii the last time I looked) literally victimize their citizens with such a foolish and evil plan as the Lottery to garner revenue for the state coffers. Using it for education makes it that much worse in my book.

  7. When I first received my endowment, we were instructed to leave all of our personal possessions in our lockers including jewelry, pens, wallets, cell phones etc. and to bring nothing with us other than our temple clothes, a watch, wedding ring and in the case of sisters if they wish, one pair of ear rings. (Without question that would also include your personal copy of the scriptures.) Are they going to take them away from you or ask you to leave? Not likely. Should you bring them anyway despite the counsel not to? Of course not.

    One reason you see scriptures in the chapel when you are waiting for a session is because you aren't supposed to bring anything with you other than your temple clothing .......once a session starts it would not be appropriate to have scriptures, iphones, notepads etc. with you anyway, so just leave them in your locker. Once done with the session, if you want to read a scriptural passage in the celestial room, then borrow one of the books provided.

  8. Try this instead. Seek to know the counsel from the Lord through the Scriptures and His prophets, including the current one, do your best to follow all of it and don't worry what anyone else thinks or says, including the church members or your own family.

    As for being offended by the actions of others - nobody makes us become offended. It is a choice we make. Learn not to take offense and your life will be much sweeter.

    Reading this talk might be beneficial. - Ensign Article - And Nothing Shall Offend Them

  9. I only see one way to deal with something like this. It is very simple, but not always easy............

    Make the choice after studying it out in your mind, fast and pray about it and have the faith and courage to follow the answer you get no matter what it is, be it do or do not do whatever you are seeking guidance on.

    You don't necessarily have to tell the bishop " I prayed about it and the Lord told me to not accept (or to accept) this calling." -----but that is what I would do.

  10. The counsel from the brethren is for the husband to be the provider and the wife to be home with the kids, when there are kids at home. That is what I have heard for decades and still hear it, but it seems that a lot of couples aren't listening. Of course the "world" thinks that concept is ridiculous and demeaning to women. Where do you think the "inspiration" for that view comes from?

    There are always exceptions to this of course, single moms, couples where the husband cannot support the family for whatever reason but having several nice cars and a fancy house are not justification for the mother not being there for her kids in my book. I know that this is not the current thinking of a large percentage of the members of the church, but the question is do you want to follow the counsel of the Lord's anointed or not?

    I believe that far too many couples are using the "exceptions" clause to neglect their responsibilities to their children.

    As long as the kids don't come home to an empty house (no mom) or are not sent to daycare, I see no problem with the mom working, unless she truly MUST. If you want to follow the prophet's counsel, make an effort and the Lord will show you a way that you can. - Ensign Article - Mom—at Home

    An excerpt from that link:

    President Ezra Taft Benson has reminded us that the Lord’s way to rear our children is “different from the world’s way. … In the beginning, Adam—not Eve—was instructed to earn the bread by the sweat of his brow. Contrary to conventional wisdom, a mother’s calling is in the home, not in the marketplace.” (To the Mothers in Zion, pamphlet, Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1987, p. 5.)

    He is not the first prophet to urge mothers to stay at home; for years, others have stressed the importance of a mother’s influence—an influence too vital to be left to others.

  11. Another vote to go by yourself or with some other sister so you can get it done.

    ( I assume there are no rules about sisters not visiting alone like there are for the brothers?)

    On the time spent, do you really need to stay an HOUR? I have been told 20 minutes to 30 max for home teaching unless there was some compelling reason to stay longer. Do the RS guidelines actually suggest an hour for each visit?

  12. I would first determine if it was "just a dream" or if it was inspiration / revelation / prophecy.

    Ask in prayer in a simple way like "I have pondered this dream and prayed and fasted and I have decided that it is a message from You (God). Is this true?"

    If you get a stupor of thought or confusion etc. nothing that you can clearly recognize then it was just a dream and you should let it go and not obsess over it anymore.

    If you get a clear witness that it was from God then pay attention to it. Write it down, try to gain further clarification and understanding of the meaning. We are PROMISED in the scriptures that we will be given an answer to a direct question like that if we are doing our part. However, if we ask a question like "Should I follow this dream?" or "What should I do with my life?" we may or may not get an answer since we really have not made a choice that the Lord can respond to with a YES (burning in the bosom, unmistakable feeling of love or clarity of mind etc.) or a NO (stupor of thought, etc.).

    The fact that you have spent a lot of time and effort on this and have received NOTHING from God on it leads me to believe that it is just that, a dream, but work it out for yourself, don't go on what people tell you on the internet.

    Let's not forget that the adversary can put thoughts in our minds and I am certain that applies to dreams too. With that in mind, I believe it is vitally important to ratify every dream and every event where we think God has done something for us or has given us instruction, through prayer. Otherwise we will always be wondering in the back of our mind, was that from God or was it just a dream or a coincidence with no spiritual import. Also remember that the adversary cannot read your mind or heart, but God can which can be helpful in determining where thoughts, dreams etc. come from.

    Another possibility to consider is that the dream is caused by some external thing. Do you have any other really vivid dreams? Are you on any medication? Extremely lucid dreams like that can sometimes be a symptom of other issues / health problems etc., or can be caused by some types of medication.

  13. Isn't it interesting how two people can get such a different impact from the same meeting. I have heard comments like this from the SAME meeting from two different people. I am not proud to say that I have been on both sides of this fence.

    That meeting was so BORING!


    The spirit was so strong in that meeting. I got so much out of it!

    I agree with apple's comment - If you aren't getting anything from a meeting the odds are you aren't bringing anything to it.

    The mere fact that this person is finding fault and posting those thoughts on the internet tells quite a bit about about their attitude.

  14. The patriarchal order / eternal family goes eternally in both directions, so yes OUR Father in heaven must logically also have a Father of His spirit, to whom He defers all glory or at least at some point deferred all glory to, just as Christ does to Him.

    The key to keeping this all sorted out is that we only have ONE Father in heaven and we will eternally be His spirit children and will eternally worship Him even when / if we are co-equal again with him. We are not going to ever skip a generation and pray to or worship our Grandfather in Heaven.

  15. Green tea is tea.

    After being pestered by the members, the Lord clarified it through His prophet, that he meant tea and coffee. Doesn't matter if they are hot or cold, in ice cream or a pill, if you want to live the law completely don't ingest them. The green tea fad is ludicrous, touting it as such a cure all when in fact we know from our Creator, that in any form it is not meant for the body (inside anyway).

    I suppose one could be justified by calling it medicine but there is nothing green tea is going to do for you as far as health benefits that can't be accomplished with something else that we have NOT been commanded to ingest.