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Posts posted by Aesa

  1. Something else of interest. The whole world will now be able to listen to such things as General Conference live via this radio station:

    Will live Church programming be carried on the Mormon Channel?

    Yes. General Conference, CES firesides, devotionals, Christmas firesides, and other special broadcasts will be carried live on the Mormon Channel, and repeated across multiple time zones. It should be noted, however, that certain Church events, such as temple dedications, are intended to be viewed only in select locations because of the sacred nature of the event. Broadcasts not intended for a general audience will typically not air on the Mormon Channel.

    Frequently Asked Questions - About - Mormon Channel

  2. if it meant for men to be with men, why did god create women and visa-vera.

    That's really a 'whole other thing', and the question that really comes then is 'did a god create man and woman?' but ofcourse that's not really up for discussion with a believer (at least, i'm not going to use this discussion for that). It's just terribly interesting that many other animals also have homosexual and other sexual tendencies, which would lend some credibility to the psychological stance that sexuality is an environmentally determined thing in many ways (i feel, at least).

    what I've notice is every one that thinks that they are gay, they somehow made themselfs beleiave that they was born gay. And so over a piorid of time, they have convince themselfs that they are differeant, born with the wrong orgains or born gay.

    That's absolute nonsense. There are some who believe they were born gay, but they're often the one's who are most victimised and resort to this line of thinking because straight people seem to think they were 'born that way' which is just as ridiculous. The only real reason (to me, speaking from again a psychological perspective) that heterosexuality is the most common is because it's the easiest way to breed, other than that there is no other reason.

    if god wanted man to have sex with anther man, or women with anthher women, then there should be a way for man/women to reproduse.

    Now, I'm all fine with you believing it to be a sin (you're welcome to, that's your gospel) but to throw this nonsense out there. Sex is not only a reproductive thing, it is also a pleasure thing (whether you accept that or not) and the human consciousness likes new and (for lack of better wording) 'out there' things. The human being gravitates to things not regular to their experiences, and therefore we have all sorts of sexual preferences.

    Reproduction is not the end-all purpose for intercourse, in-fact considering how unsustainable our population on this Earth is now in our present system I think we need to encourage the opposite (at least until we get inline with the load of the earth (e.g., no poverty, etc,.) - or re-design our society to meet the demands of a growing world)! ;p

  3. I don't view homosexuality as wrong at all, but that's a whole other thing and obviously what you're not here to hear (and that's perfectly allright).

    But, to my understanding of the scripture, having sex with another man is no worse than having a lustful thought; coveting something, etc,. In other words, all sins are equal.

    I'd love for someone to show me scripture verses that state anything to the contrary.

    Do what you feel is most right.

  4. I normally excel with my school-work.

    However, recently I've been really struggling to find motivation to do it (or do it well).

    Quite often I've been using the "I'll do it after [x]" excuse.

    And I'm having a lot of trouble getting out of this cycle.

    Can anyone advise?


  5. Ah, so it's up to us then. :)

    The whore of babylon in revelation is quite often said to be the Catholic church by some.

    Great and abominable church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

    According to the Book of Mormon, the great and abominable church was formed soon after the life of Jesus and is responsible for killing the Apostles, and for the Great Apostasy (1 Ne. 13:5-6). The church was said to be instrumental in corrupting the Bible and removing from it "the most plain and precious parts of the gospel of the Lamb" (1 Ne. 13:34).

    Although some writers understand the great and abominable church to refer to the Catholic church or Protestantism, the references in the Book of Mormon could have been metaphorical, because, according to the book,

    "there are save two churches only; the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the church of the devil; wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth" (1 Ne. 14:10-11).


    A book entitled Mormon Doctrine, originally published in 1958 by Bruce R. McConkie, contains references linking the Roman Catholic Church to the Whore of Babylon.

    According to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (see also Mormon), the Great Apostasy started not long after Jesus' ascension and continued until Joseph Smith's First Vision in 1820. To Latter-day Saints, the Great Apostasy is marked by:

    the difficulty of the Apostles to keep early Christians from distorting Jesus' teachings and to prevent the followers from dividing into different ideological groups;

    the persecution and martyrdom of the church's Apostles;

    the loss of leaders with Priesthood authority to administer the church and its ordinances;

    the lack of continuous revelation to instruct the leaders and guide the church; and

    the corruption of Christian doctrine particularly with the infusion of Greek or other allegedly pagan philosophies such as Neo-Platonism, Platonic realism, Aristotleanism and Asceticism. (This point is most definitively Catholic)

    I think, then, it refers to all churches save the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  6. I think 1 Nephi 13 also does this. It even refers to the color of their clothing!

    "And it came to pass that I saw among the nations of the Gentiles the formation of a great church.

    And the angel said unto me: Behold the formation of a church which is most abominable above all other churches, which slayeth the saints of God [inquisitions, 'witch' trials, crusades, support of Hitler, et al], yea, and tortureth them and bindeth them down, and yoketh them with a yoke of iron, and bringeth them down into captivity.

    And it came came to pass that I beheld this great and abominable church; and I saw the devil that he was the founder of it.

    And I saw gold [the Vatican has reportedly been hoarding gold for a long time], and silver, and silks, and scarlets, and fine-twined linen, and all manner of precious clothing; and I saw many harlots.

    And the angel spake unto me, saying: Behold the gold, and the silver, and the silks, and the scarlets, precious clothing, and the harlots, are the desires of this great and abominable church." (1 Nephi 13: 3-8)

    I think Catholicism was the co-opter of Christianity. It was Catholicism which heavily paganised the gospel. e.g., Mary used to replace the pagan goddess.

    Posted Image

    Looks scarlet to me.

    And that is just the beginning.

  7. By your Churches watch, they're abominable and in apostasy - how can their work be great?

    1 Nephi 13 reads to me like the Catholic Church, especially if you know their history well (and I do, because I was raised a catholic).

    I can understand being friendly, as Christ would be to a degree - but calling them great? Hmm.

    Nice video, but seriously, using John Lennon? A guy that almost definitely opposed them? "Imagine there's no heaven, it isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. No religion, too." ???

  8. I think all members should be encouraged to preach the gospel (rather than missionary work being a specific calling, as it seems). I also think the Church perhaps needs to be a little more steadfast, from what I can tell some people are a little too moderate.

    Either the Church is all truth, or it is not truth at all.

    If it's all truth, then you must feel fairly weak if you don't feel it an absolute necessity to preach the Gospel in whatever way you can/find comfortable.

    I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. But I've never seen a Mormon preaching Christ in a really public place, Christ preached everywhere even unto death.

  9. Thought you'd 'like' this bytor.

    Obama Says U.S. Long-Term Debt Load ‘Unsustainable’

    I agree with you Hemi, but I do ultimately think that it wouldn't matter who was in government (unless we're talking a Ron Paul type of government) it would still happen. I do think, though, that McCain would have been a 'lesser of two evils' because like Bush he cannot articulate himself anywhere near as well as Obama can.

    People could see through the shortcomings of the Bush administration very easily (as they would've with McCain), but Obama is a great professor of sophistry.

    My question to you Maxel, and thank-you for your post, is one I've been wondering about for a while. It's more directed at the Church, but you and others on here certainly are the Church so I think it's relevant to ask.

    When people can't afford to purchase their food, will you? (This is a collective question as in will "The Church" and will you as members?)

  10. Well, if you want to conclude that then that's fine.

    I think you would also know (from my other posts) that I don't keep anything back when I'm giving a point of view on something.

    This topic, was nothing more than curiosity. However if it's going to turn into a game of finger pointing because you assume you know the disposition I'm coming from then we'll just not bother.


    I'm honestly really offended by this accusation, because, my intention really was just one of interest. I was genuinely surprised that Joseph ordained colored people into the priesthood, and even moreso that the practice discontinued for a period proceeding from Brigham. I ofcourse was aware that colored people only once again were able to take the priesthood after the 1978 revelation, but initially that was my only understanding.

    You should never assume simply based on what you expect of a person.

  11. It is my duty as a follower of Christ to do as he would do. He would love the person and do all that he could for them.

    I don't know about you, but I also think he'd try and point them in the direction of Heavenly Father. And I'm saying this from the perspective of a person who struggles with homosexual conditioning myself on a daily basis. Ofcourse I can see where you're coming from, I think, that Christ is our advocate before the Father.

    Isn't it the sinful act that makes someone homosexual?

    Didn't Christ also say that if you lust after another in your heart that you've committed adultery? So, I'd say it's a psychological thing as well as a physical thing.