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Posts posted by anotherbrick

  1. The information is there, but we aren't encouraged to look for it, or at least I was not. I was always taught that you don't look at those things. Not to mention the temple recommend interview question that asks something about whether or not you associate with anyone or any groups that are anti-mormon. I felt that if I ever looked at that information I would have to answer "yes" to that question and thus be found unworthy.

    I admire you for your decision to avoid information that you feel would not be helpful in your journey as a Latter Day Saint. I ultimately feel this is a decision everybody has to make, for themselves.

    I do, however, feel that for me, the only way I would answer yes to that question, would be if I sympathized, or associated with individuals whose sole intent would be to destroy faith, or the Church.

    To me, there is a difference between thoroughly studying Mormon History, both good and bad aspects, and dwelling on the negative for the sole purpose of "attacking the Church".

    One of my passions is attending Mormon studies conferences, reading books concerning the Church from an objective standpoint, and trying to see the "big picture" of everything. I find doing so, for me, is worthwhile, causes me to question less, and find a meaningful balance between intellectualism and spirituality. After all, I'm at a point where no piece of knowledge concerning religion in any way shape or form will cause me to desire to leave the Church, or attack it.

    I understand some people may have a hard time comprehending how intellectualism could possibly have a place in a person's spiritual journey, if he or she desires to maintain their faith, but I have found a way to do so, and I believe it is a personal thing.

    I do not say this to try to convince you to follow my example. Quite the contrary. I would actually advise you to keep doing what you are doing, and stay on the path that feels right to you. I just thought I needed to state that individuals currently struggling with issues concerning Church History do not need to despair, so long as they go about it in a way that does not bring others down.

  2. For me, my biggest stumbling block in the Church, moreso than unsanitized Church History, would be individuals who respond in a very inconsiderate way towards members who are having problems with doubt or disbelief. This literally makes me feel physically ill.

    I know people think the best way to deal with "fence-sitters" is to try to get them to pick a side, by saying "get with us, or get out". I find this to be very unChristlike, and unfortunately with the extremely judgmental mindset of a lot of Mormons, this problem is unlikely to be resolved any time soon.

  3. Hello,

    I am 24, going to UVU, and am currently on a journey of trying to find my place within the Church, as well as the world.

    I have high functioning aspergers syndrome, which causes me to feel extremely anxious around screaming kids, and people whom I find to be intimidating in general.

    I did not go on a mission, because of my aspergers, and have felt extremely isolated at times at singles ward events and other socials.

    Despite everything, I still enjoy life for the most part. I love going to institute, and enjoy socializing with friends there (a stake institute I have gone to for about 3 years). I love music, and watching movies.

    I hope that being on this board can help me in my journey, and that I can get some advice or other words of wisdom.


  4. So I am 23, and was not able to serve a mission, because I have high functioning asperger's syndrome, and they wouldn't let me go.

    I have the desire to date and get married. There's only one problem. Many LDS women do not date young men if they haven't gone a mission.

    I'm having a hard time understanding why I continue to face discrimination in a Church that is the "Only True Church", after having been discriminated against growing up.

    Right now, I plan on marrying somebody who is not a member of the Church, because, well, they wouldn't refuse to date me solely for not serving a mission.

    From an indifferent standpoint, I find it sad that somebody who has had a very difficult time growing up with a condition they cannot control continues to face discrimination in what should be an unconditional loving Institution.

    I do not mean to attack the Church in anyway. I am simply tired of feeling so out of place. This being the case, my faith in the Church has decreased greatly.

    So I'm hoping that by posting here, some of you will be able to enlighten me on how I can approach things differently, acknowledge the errors of my thinking, and / or explain to me how I can possibly continue being a part of this Church and having asperger's syndrome.

    So far, I have thought of nothing. The only solution I have come up with is remaining somewhat detached socially in the Church, while being a member, and dating non members.