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Everything posted by bizzlebozzle

  1. I think a good source for you is this website: LDS FAIR Apologetics Homepage They answer a lot of questions with specific details. One article in particular that deals with polygamy might be a bit of a read, but you can skim through the relevant points: As far as the other things regarding the temple, I would highly suggest that you stop watching videos, reading articles, etc. that you find on the internet about the temple ceremony. Mostly for the simple reason that people writing the articles don't always understand the implications of the ceremony, they often get it wrong, and they usually have an axe to grind against the church so they write/film things in such a way as to be inflammatory. If you want to understand more about the temple, check out Boyd K. Packer's book "The Holy Temple," and James E. Talmage's "The House of the Lord." They will not provide the "details" you'll find on the internet, but they will give context and explanation for what you have seen, or will encounter. And finally, why do you think the church leaders advise against wearing short skirts, dating before 16, and the other issues you alluded to? What are your feelings about these topics? (No sarcasm or lecturing from me, just curious what you think).
  2. I think the point that's being missed about 'vanity' and single motherhood is this: with artificial insemination, it's all about the woman's desire to have her own child and have the experience with her body. There are a variety of reasons to reject adoption in favor of artificial insemination, most of them having to do with environmental and genetic control, and thus the vanity. It becomes more about what the mother wants and "needs" rather than what the millions of needy and bereft children already on earth want and need. It's basically the difference between "having a child" and "being a mother." I don't necessarily agree with the analysis, but I see the point. Nobody has argued that being a single mother is a vain desire, or all about personal looks. You've misinterpreted the responses. Before you jump down my throat, I too am single, childless, and female. I totally understand the urges and desire to have "my own" baby, but I see the why the church is so cautious about it.
  3. I actually do know of several women in the church who have adopted: 1. Served a mission in China, never married, went back in her thirties and adopted three kids. The kids are sealed to her father. 2. In her forties, never married, adopted a child in the US. 3. Husband died before they ever had kids, never remarried, adopted children from China, kids are sealed to her and her deceased husband. 4. In her thirties, a teacher, adopted one of her students. In all circumstances, I have seen the wards be completely supportive and mostly non-judgmental. Yes, children should have the opportunity to have a father in their lives. On the other hand, in all of these adoptions, the children were taken from potentially damaging and negative circumstances and placed into a stable, well-educated home where the parent truly loves and wants them, and can provide for them monetarily, spiritually, and emotionally. I can't see that that is a bad thing.