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Everything posted by NBConvert

  1. Ok this is officially my last post. I talked to some people from my ward. I am much more excited to serve now and am embarrassed that I even let my mission call disappoint me so much. I had to get the surgery before my call as I tore cartilage in my knee. I need to be humble and I think serving where I will be serving will humble me in many ways. Thank you brothers and sisters for your time. I wish the best for each of you :)
  2. Thanks to everyone who gave valuable information and did not judge me. It is a common misconception that one is able to judge another and say it is positive criticism. Sometimes it is positive criticism and others it is a scapegoat. BenRaines I am happy you have extra time on your hands to post so diligently on a forums but I do not need your sarcasm. I must have missed something. I thought the mission idea was to lose yourself in the service of the Lord, not "what am I going to get out of it". That is the purpose of a mission. If someone accepts the message and gets baptized that is a bonus. Purpose is to spread the "Good News". At least that is how I understood and understand it. You must not have understood when I said "I feel bad for not being happy about my mission call, in fact I feel terrible." I know I should just want to serve the Lord, that is one of the reasons I feel bad. Maybe this is just your personality. But I don't appreciate your sarcasm...I guess you have to fill your time somehow, I just expect more from someone who has most likely been an active member for a very long time. Shouldn't we be helping converts not talking down to them? This is my second and last post.
  3. Hey, I am a convert to this wonderful church and I will have been a member a year in a few months. I attented university and prayed about going on a mission. After a month of university I had to drop out because I knew I had to go on a mission. I could not stay in university because my mom is not a member and I can't be in debt for a mission. I am turning twenty right before I go on my mission in a few months. I was s excited to go on a mission....and then I opened my call. I live in Canada and my mission call was to another province not very far from my own. I wouldn't have cared too much if I was atleast learning a foreign langauage. Now I know the Lord sends us where we are meant to go. And that I should be happy to just go anywhere. I feel bad for not being happy about my mission call, in fact I feel terrible. When I opened my mission call everyone who was there could sense my disappointment. The experience was not what I had wanted or expected. Before judging one must take into consideration I gave up school. I am turning 20 before my mission and my mother is not very wealthy and she is not a member. So hearing that your son is serving a mission in a Canadian province fairly close in an area fairly similar it is harder for her to understand. Now I am Canadian and love my people but I wanted to learn another language very much. I Have a few questions; 1. I have to get a surgery in my knee, it is not a serious surgery and I will be fine to walk and run after it is done. However, I am to report to the mtc in April and I may not be able to make it there for 1-4 months after i am supposed to be there. Is it possible my mission call could change. And is it possible for me to ask for a different call? I know it is inspired by God but I have heard that there have been others who have gotten their call changed. This is also my first post so I would just like to say hi :)