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Posts posted by minemouse

  1. Be strong sweetie. I have been through this -almost exactly similiar situation. Don't let go of your faith in God and yourself. Surround yourself with friends and family to support you. The kids will get wind of the way he acts sooner or later and might distance themselves from him. Continue your therapy so that by the time you know it you'll be a healthier you--and not make the same mistake in choosing that type of man. Be strong, the ride will get bumpy but hold on to Jesus and you'll be okay. I am rooting for you, you are not alone.

  2. Soul,

    There is one thing that Christ gave and that is our freedom to choose. We can accept or reject his will for our lives. Drinking coke, birth control, cleavage, .. all of these things just distract from the truth. It is my own humble opinion that we have the freedom to choose life or death. This is what Christ came to this world for to save those that are lost. Not for the Pharisee who said he had no sin , not for the crowd who wanted to stone the woman for having several men, Christ said, he that is without sin cast the first stone". Anyone who passes judgement on you just because of attire or otherwise better look inward and not outward by the way this also means they are not looking upward to God. You..keep going to church and pray for those that think this way. God doesn't look at appearance he looks at the heart.--this is something a human can't do. Many may keep small rules and regulations while the major ones , like coveting a neighbor's wife, lying, cheating ,watching porn (studies say this is something that runs rampant among religious people) and premarital sex..another biggie..the list goes on and on all of these are sin and sometimes go unseen. Just do as your heart leads u and don't mind nobody else.

  3. Well, since she's gained weight could she have just had a baby or two, an illness, or something else that is emotionally bothering her about the marriage. Also, the fact is that he married her and made a covenant with the ALmighty,remember that and honor it. Has he tried being romantic or helpful around the house? Have they had date nights with no kids? Or even of they didn't have kids , have they gone out as a couple?? Is he cold and calculating when he wants something or does he court her?? All these are questions ur friend must ask himself. Do I truly love her? Do I want something else? Perhaps some counseling for the guy should be insightful and then later on bring her on board and this can assist avoiding any negative effects on the marriage. Many people are only superficial in thinking they are in love when they get married , its basically an illusion and it's not that they were in love but infatuated with the idea of being married. If it was hormonal the reason he got married , well the only response is pray hard he changes or she changes something in order to keep the marriage going. It takes two in any relationship in order for it to function.

  4. Seek counseling immediately, there is no "little" porn addiction ,if he does it and it is belittleing to you he has a problem. What about if he does it in front of the kids? Think about it? I would invite ur minister home to speak to him about it and block the websites he goes to or anything else on the computer. PLace the computer in a public place , like the living room or take the internet off. Do something before it escalates , not that it wont and not that it will. For your sanity and spiritual encouragement.

  5. I agree with you sensibility the Bible says not to be unequally yoked. Its okay to have aquaintances that r not of your belief but don't let them stifle your spiritual walk. As a young person it may look greener on the other side of the pasture but I assure you that its not. Maintain your distance and choose to be with people that uplift you not hold you back. Your parents are your compass, don't go the other route it just leads to sadness--this is experience talking.

  6. SnakeJake

    I think its hard for u. If u hold out from dating a nonlds sooner or later the true girl of ur dreams will come. Think about it this way, would u want to be dating a nonlds when the tru love of ur life comes to meet u? Just some food for thought. I speak from experience don't date someone outside ur beliefs. It brings nothing but heartaches.