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Everything posted by tyler611

  1. Semodex, you are absolutely right. If the church is holding or sponsoring an event a prayer will be offered. For example, if you were to attend a BYU football game, a prayer is offered, if the church does a soup kitchen a prayer will be offered. jazzy225, frankly, your attitude and judgment toward people who do not practice as you do is what is embarrassing please try to be more respectful of other people's practices when there is no defined policy from the church. I have found no official church statement as to whether or not a public prayer should be offered in a restaurant, which means that it is left up to the individual member to decide with the guidance of the spirit. You are not in a position to pass judgment on what the spirit communicates to another person. Personally, I have sided with the majority of the posters here. I do not pray while seated in a restaurant. I feel it is inappropriate for the setting. I feel that a public prayer, even when offered as respectfully as possible in a restaurant often draws unwarranted attention. Personally, if I were to offer a prayer in such a place I would have to question my motives as to whether or not I was doing it just to, "be seen of men." Prayers should not be conducted in such a manner. They are sacred acts that, I believe, should not be displayed in places where it can draw attention to the prayer giver and away from it's purpose as communication with God. However Jazzy225, you have absolutely every right to practice as you do. If you are able to pray in public and offer a sincere, heartfelt prayer for the right reasons and with the spirit, I truly commend you. But please do not infer that an LDS member who does not pray as you do in restaurants is doing it out of shame and then comparing it to Christ on the cross. You are grossly overstepping your bounds and causing a spirit of contention in the discussion board.