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  1. AELK - I am not sure if I am misunderstanding your reply or if you misunderstood my post. The very short version of my situation is I have a sister in law who went to the bishop and accused me of a very serious sin that I did NOT commit. I do understand that I am being vague about the circumstances and that could be a reason for the misunderstandings. I was hoping that it would sort of be implied without me saying it. My bishop has told me that he believes me because he could tell when he confronted me on it that I was telling him the truth. And yes, I am angry. I told the bishop that too. Wouldn't you be angry? Not only was I accused of something I didn't do, but I know she's at least told my boss. Who else has she told? Gossip is like toothpaste, once it's out, it's out. You can't put it back. She could go back and recant and say she was lying, but people are still going to wonder if it's true. I have a calling I LOVE and I am upset that this could potentially ruin that for me. I told him that I wanted to confront her and I wanted him to be with me when I did it, mainly to mediate between the two of us.
  2. This is a long and complicated story. I tried making it short, but I BEG you to read it and help me. A long time ago I made a mistake and paid for it. In an emotional moment I confessed it to my sister in laws. I even told one that it was something that had been taken care of. Fast forward one year later. My divorce is final but my ex is being a real pain. I'm a single mother working from home taking care of 2 small children while finishing school and honestly trying hard just to keep my head above water. My stress levels were insanely high so one day over dinner with the entire family, I told everyone that I had too much going on and in the best interest of my kids, I had to keep my mental health stable and would no longer be able to take on anyone's problems or dramas. I assured them I loved them and I wasn't trying to be cold and uncaring, I just couldn't emotionally handle it anymore. About 4 weeks ago, one sister in law became chat buddies with a one of my bosses. Just so happened it was the boss that I don't like nor trust. In her conversations, I kept coming up and every time he found out something about he, he would bring it to my attention. After the third instance of this, I emailed her and very bluntly, but politely, asked her to refrain from talking to him about me since I feel like it should my place to decide what I want him to know, not hers. She didn't take this well, it caused a huge argument that my other sister in law was pulled into. The end result was me telling both I was done with them. Life was quiet and sometimes lonely, but extremely peaceful. I was polite when I saw them, I just no longer talked to them privately or shared anything personal. Two weeks ago, my other boss comes to me and says "I feel like you should know about this, but <my other boss> told me a story about you." and proceeded to pretty much tell me this secret that I confessed to them a year earlier. I was beyond hurt. I decided to try to calm down before confronting her. Before I did, I got a call from the bishop asking me to meet him. Eventually he brings this up and asks me about it. I immediately tell him about it, tell him it happened before I ever even moved into this ward and that it was something that had been taken care of. I know who said something to him but he wouldn't confirm it. After we talked he said that he wanted to have a mediation between me and "several family members" that came to him. I was again extremely hurt. I decided to tell my parents what was going on and prepare them since I had a feeling my past was going to come out. It dawns one me I have no idea the version my bishop was told. I call him back and ask him about the details. He said he had given me the highlights and I had agreed. I said I understand, but I was agreeing to the story in my head. Certain details make the story drastically different and I was curious how they two version differed, if at all. What he tells me is NOTHING like my story at all. It's a complete and utter lie. I instantly went from being hurt to being furious! I told the bishop I swore on everything I hold dear in life that it was not true at all. He then tells me that he has believed me from the get go and said that when he presents something to someone he can tell if they are telling the truth or not. He said he could tell I was being honest the entire time. We were suppose to all meet on Wed but she left early, so now we're shooting for Sunday. My emotions have been all over the place with this. I am pissed, I am hurt, I am confused, I am scared, I am anxious. You name it, I'm feeling it. The worst part is I have no one I can talk to. I only have 2 brothers and both their wives are involved in this. My bishop asked me to hold off on confiding in my parents. I no longer know who I can trust and can't. The rational person in me is trying to make this make sense. I can't fathom the idea that someone would just make up something and then actually expect to get away with it, so I want to say she's just confusing stories and there's been a miss communication of some sort. You know how when you hear anti-Mormon information you know it's a lie but at the same time you know what they were referring to? I can't find a connection to this story at all. She would have to severely twist a story of mine to even make it closely make sense. I'm so worried about the ramifications. The bishop said he believed me, but what happens if she is adamant with her story? Does it become a she-said/she-said thing and we both are released? She told my boss this story (I went back and asked the other boss the details of what she said and it was the same lie that bishop informed me about) so I have no clue who else she has told this to. I told the bishop that I wanted a chance to confront her and I wanted him to be there to keep me from punching her in the face. I swear, I want to do it. Has anyone been through this? I know this sounds like I could be lying, but as God as my witness I did no do the things I was accused of. Am I ever going to be able to move past this and actually be a part of their lives anymore? Am I within my right to completely cut them off? I feel that's unfair to my kids but at the same time how can I trust that they won't ever say something to them? This is just all so surreal to me.
  3. Hello to whoever is out there reading these forums. It's been a long time since I joined a forum and had to make an introduction post. In fact, I'm not even sure how I found you. Regardless, here I am. I'm 30 years old, going through a divorce and currently in Charlotte, NC. I really have no clue what to say. Perhaps I should have read through some of the others for ideas first. Am I suppose to list my likes and dislikes? If so, I really like Smarties, rock music, reading, tv and laughing so hard I can't breath. I dislike tomatoes, country music, the noises people make when they're eating and waking up 5 mins before my alarm goes off. I have weird dreams, good friends, a great family, a true testimony, a cell phone that I'm addicted to, a calling in YW, a desire to chew my ice even though I hate it, a positive attitude and a love for the color blue. I'm have no clue why I'm here or what I plan to get out of it. Seriously, even though it was only 10 minutes ago, I have no clue how I found this site. Looking forward to whatever it is I get from it though.