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  1. So true!! I actually attended Church for the first time this morning and absolutely loved the man who taught the Gospel Principles class, an old Bishop. He began the class acknowledging that people may try to get you to stay away from the "cult church" or tell us that they're not really Christians. He said, "Simply point out that it's the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We follow Jesus Christ, therefore we are Christians. And move on. We don't debate." It was so refreshing. He was a convert over 25 years ago when he was in his thirties and obviously had been in our position before. His dad was Catholic and mother was Lutheran, but he said that we can't even let our families keep us away from the love of Christ. We must have devotion to him above our families because while they are given by God and precious blessings, He created us and gave us life. Sometimes it's hard to choose, but I believe that in choosing to follow Christ, the family will come around once we become better people through the Restored Gospel, as everyone who replied here has said. Keep me updated on your situation! I'd love to have a friend who is going through the same thing right now. :)
  2. I know & understand that what happens in the Temple is scared and not to be talked about outside the Temple walls. However, I was looking at some Temple pictures and saw that the baptismal font was on the back of oxen. Could someone tell me why this is? Or do I need to wait until I attend the Temple/Temple Prep class?
  3. ...specifically younger 20-somethings, though older converts may have run into this as well. I'm currently investigating the Church & have a tentative baptism date of April 5th. I've been interested in the Church for over 5 years, but haven't been looking into converting until recently. My main dilemma is how my parents will react. I grew up in a home that was devoutly Methodist. We went to Church every Sunday regardless of how late we were up the night before with prom/coming back into town/whatever and Church was always highly revered in my family. My father's family is also Southern Baptist, my grandfather and great uncle being ministers and my uncle just being incredibly conservative. If I do decide to get baptized into the church, I'm unsure of how to tell my family. I've shared stories about LDS happenings with my sister who would reply, "That's cool. But don't become Mormon." Before I knew about the Church I once told my mother, "The Mormons kind of scare me." To which she replied, "Good. They should." Ha. Awesome. SO, if you are a convert who had to tell your parents, how did it go? What did you say? And do you have any advice to make it go more smoothly? I'd really love to hear all about it.
  4. So I take it your mother wasn't too keen on your conversion? How did you deal with that? I'm scared about approaching my parents if I do end up converting...
  5. Thanks for all the kind words, guys! I really appreciate it : )
  6. InnerGold, I know what a VCR is! hahaha I've felt confused, if you will, even in 9th grade when Samuel and I first met. I received a note from a friend Tania saying that she had just been to a talk from a former Saint who left the church and "found the real Jesus." Tania told me the speech said that all current Mormons still need to be saved and said that she would be willing to help me if I wanted to save Samuel. I'd been getting so many contradictory feelings at that point that after reading the note I began sobbing and knelt on the floor in desperate prayer asking for the truth. I did not receive an answer one way or the other, it still remains as one of the most confusing points in my life, but it also marked the beginning of my research to learn more about the Church.
  7. I was first introduced to the Church over 5 years ago when I met my best friend, Samuel. He's continued to be a dear friend of mine through the years and is currently serving a mission in South Korea. His family was my first connection with the Church as I previously thought "Mormons weren't allowed to cut their hair" ...a lie told to me by my elder sister who loved playing tricks. I immediately became fascinated with the LDS Church and began researching it in my free time online, in the library, and by simply talking to people. I did at one point see the horrible video The God-Makers and was frightened, until Samuel told me most of it is ridiculous and hyped up to frighten people away. Only recently have I begun looking into the Church as a possible convert, not just out of curiosity. I grew up in a strong Methodist home and have always loved going to church, but I kept having promptings to look into the LDS Church. A few weeks ago I contacted the Missionaries and had the first discussion, the second is coming up in a few days. I have attended sacrament meeting with Samuel in the past and hope to attend the whole 3-hour block this coming Sunday for the first time. The passage the Missionaries left me to read was 3 Nephi 11, similar to a chapter in the Bible, I believe. Honestly, I have been praying earnestly and with all my might but have to yet to receive an answer either way. I'm trying not to rely solely on how I feel because Proverbs 28: 26 says "He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered." So I'm trying the wise-walk and keeping the prayers lifted in hopes of an answer. I'm excited to see where this journey takes me and continue to be open to both sides, joining or just remaining intrigued.