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Everything posted by jared007

  1. I didn't mean to make it sound too negative. I was just looking for a word that describes how I felt during that experience. Being "carded" while going to the temple is a little different. You have a pass to enter into the temple. In the case of a child blessing of confirmation, you're not trying to get into the temple. You're a Melchizedek preisthood holder exercising that power and authority. I'd have no problem if a Bishop required proof of that such as a Melchizedek priesthood certificate, but I just didn't see how a current temple recommend was a valid prerequisite in that setting other than documentation of assumed worthiness.
  2. The way thats suppose to work is.....the Bishop or Branch President approves all who stand in the circle...if they are from another ward they need approval from their Bishop they are worthy to do so...their Bishop needs to send a note or call the Bishop to let him know this. If a recommend is needed to participate then I have been doing this wrong for the last 6 years... ← That makes a little more sense. It could be that this was some personal discretion by that particular Bishop. Of course the way things are supposed to be done and how things actually get done in the church are often 2 different things.
  3. I'm new to this forum, but I thought I'd get some input about an issue that's bugged me lately. A couple of years ago, I had the priviledge of blessing my daughter. Before the blessing took place, my bishop mentioned that it used to be that the brethren involved in the circle would have to flash their recommends to the Bishop as a sign of their worthiness to be there, but they don't do that anymore. It struck me as a bit of an intrusive and faithless practice. Nevertheless, I was glad that it was no longer done. Last week, however I attended my nieces baptism. I was in between renewing my recommends (I'm the worst at putting things off) or in other words the thing had recently expired. My brother inconveniently informed me that church is now back to the practice of carding priesthood holders before ordinances like a blessing or confirmation. As a result I was not allowed to participate in the confirmation. I'll have to admit even if it was current, I wouldn't have wanted to show it to him because I don't think that's any of his business unless he is my Bishop which he wasn't. I do understand the principle and logic behind the policy and if that's the way things are gonna be done now then I'll go along with it. I just don't think it's a very fair and accurate way of measuring a priesthood holder's eligibility to participate in blessings and such. Too many variables involved. Anyway, I just had to that out of my system.