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Posts posted by SirWilcomb

  1. What is your definition of rich? The brothern have asked us to live within our means. The church lives within it's means. They are building on average a church building a day. Temples are being announced at an amazing rate. It is my understanding (Could be wrong) that the church has a surplus of budget for it's buildings so that it can continue to build at the pace it does for five years if were not to add any money to it. I know that not all church building come at the same price but our building here in Gilbert, AZ cost about 5 million dollars (Once again second hand knowledge) They will also be building a temple here soon that has a budget for 60 million dollars. You do the math. The church is rich, but it lives within it's means.

    Elder Christofferson said it that article you posted that we are to live within our means and help others around us. I go back to my pie analogy. When four people are wanting a piece of pie we should give each an equal portion, which would be a quarter each. So, how do we get more? The principle of creation. Create a bigger pie. We get more, and so do others around us. So, yes to the previous poster that says it matters how we earn our money. We should create our wealth in a way that will bless the lives of those around us.

    Sorry, but I don't totally agree that man created money. God created ALL things on this earth. Man has taken this creation and used it for evil, but it is still a creation of God.

    I would say the church is rich. I would even say the church continues to prosper. The church builds more chapels and temples, attracts more converts who pay more tithing and the tithing is used to build more chapels and temples. If this is not an example of the church prospering then I'm a monkey's uncle.

    Dont tell me a man (Joseph Smith) who once lived in a log cabin and later lived in a brick built mansion did not prosper. He was eventually murdered, he had struggles and trials and hardships but he did also prosper. Look at all the wives Brigham Young was able to support. Don't tell me he didn't prosper. Are any of the current apostles and seventies poor men?

    Snow, I'm not clear on your take on prayer but I do know the scriptures tell us we should pray for things and we should expect those prayers to be answered.

    In another thread which I can't just locate at the present moment you have said that you do not 'know' anything to be true but you 'believe' it and I think that you doubted anyone else could 'know' but they must surely only believe. Yet there are people here who will tell you categorically that they do know and the knowing is more than mere belief. Yet you tell these people that there is no evidence of answer to prayer. You do seem to give the impression that prayer is a pointless excercise. Why then would we be commanded to do it?

    I know the ground outside is wet. I know this because it has rained. I have not been out there and stood with my bare feet on the wet earth but I do know it is wet. That is more than simply believeing it is wet. It is based on evidence of having seen the rain and past experience of knowing that rain wets things. So it is with prayer and knowledge of the truth.

  2. Truth itelf is never variable but there are varieties and degrees of truth.

    In a trial a witness swears to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing bu the truth.

    A barrister then tries to ensure that the witness tells the truth, some of the truth and just enough of the truth the ensure that the jury arrives at the conclusion he desires.

  3. I have a friend at church who has shared with me that he is no longer attracted to his wife. He doesn't want a divorce and is not planning to leave, he is just not physically attracted to her anymore.

    That's a good start that he doesn't want a divorce, but I can't help wondering why. Does he love her?

    What changed? He said she has gained a lot of weight and just doesn't take care of herself anymore. I think he feels pretty miserable about it.

    Gaining weight is one thing. Not taking care of herself is another.

    Point 1, is she dangerously overweight or just a little chubbier? Is it that she no longer has the supermodel figure he 'fell in love with'?. If she is just slightly heavier than she once was but otherwise fit and healthy he should learn to accept that. We all change as we grow older. She will not remain the young bride for ever. Where would he draw the line in having her try to maintain those looks? Would he want her to have a face lift, a tummy tuck, eye contouring, botox injections? If the answer to any of those is yes then he is the one who has the problem. We all grow older. I would rather my wife grow old gracefully than look like a wax model or a startled trout.However, of she is dangerously overweight then he could talk to her lovingly about wanting to help her lose some of it, for the sake of her health, not for the sake of his eyes.

    Point 2 if by 'not taking care of herself' he means basic things like personal hygeine then he has a valid point. No-one wants to live with someone who is dirty and smelly. If she doesn't ever wash or brush her hair he has a point. I would expect my wife to be basically clean and respectable. I don't need her to wear make-up all day though and look like she has been on a fashion shoot when she has been home all day with the kids, cooking and cleaning the house. I don't mind her looking scruffy with hair tied back in a band and old clothes and wellies on if she is weeding the garden. She still looks gorgeous to me with dirt in her finger nails and soil on the end of her nose.

    Your friend sounds to me like he is going through the stage where some men fall into the trap of looking at attractive young women and wondering why their wife doesn't still look like that. Then some of them make the mistake of wondering if those attractive young women would find them attractive. Then some of them make the even bigger mistake of trying to find out, and the next thing they know their lives are in tatters. Eventually some of them realise they are fools but by then it may be too late.

    My advice to your friend would be a little self analysis goes a long way.

  4. Children forced into rigid obedience of strict Sabbath rules are going to rebel. Children taught to love to respect the Sabbah and keep TV watching within the spirit of Sabbath keeping will learn to make their own choices as they grow up and respect the Sabbath more.

    Carrots are more effective than sticks.

  5. I have been reading through these forums for quite a while and found a lot which interests me.

    Now I have reached the point where I want to chuck in my own two penn'orth and have decided to join you.